fainest ever line?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Well I was goign to wait until tomorrow to test - Af is due on Thursday and I think that i have had implantation spotting for the last few days.

I couldnt wait!
I got up at 5.45 this morning and tested using clearblue early test.

I waited for two minutes and there was the fainest blue line! But i am mean super faint. I had to tilt the test to the light to see it.

I wasnt sure if it was seeing things or not. I dont want to tell oh I dont want to get his hopes up.

I am going to test again in the morning!

I am scared it might not be anything!

try taking a pic next time and posting it so we can all have a look lol we love seeing + tests :D
manda x
Fingers crossed for you :cheer:

Let us know how you get on.

I am scared and excited all at the same time!
i will be back in touch tomorrow!

i tested with a clearblue the day af was due i also got the faintest line that you could only see in certain lights. I did a tesco one that night, also a faint line, then 2 the next few days which were much darker! good luck :cheer:
I have just been and bought a couple of tesco tests.

Again I had a really faint line! I have never had this when i have tested before! it was stronger than the clear blue - I took the test to pieces and it was faint pink line. It wasnt long enough to be an evap line.

I think i will test again tomorrow morning! Tries to take a picture but you couldnt really see it on the camera - it looked too blurry!

Feel stupid wasting so many tests! But I cant help myself!
Still having spotting - seems to be getting less and less - and its only ever been on tp.

I am trying not to get too excited

I want a definate positive!

Potential congratulations in order then...hope the line gets darker :cheer:
sounds good fingers crossed for you ,good luck
My first BFP was really really faint too, congrats hun, let us know asap when you do test this morn :hug: :hug:

Is this normal - I had another faint line - Stronger than last nights.

The window went clear then after a minute a faint line appeared - is it an evaporation line - 3 times? all the lines appeared well before 5 minutes.

I showed my partner this morning, He told me not to get too excited because its faint, and I should test agin in a few days.

AF is due tomorrow.

if its geting darker its a good sign as that means more of the pg hormone is in our body
evap lines appear after the stated time that you should look
manda x
same happened with me i got 4 faint ones first all before 5 mins, i didnt wait long enough for them to develop cos i couldnt see the line straight away i thought it was a BFN but turned out i was jus impatient n dint wait long enough!! good luck sounds good :cheer:
Sounds good. I had a faint line with clear blue tested with another brand later in morning and said negative but I was pregnant :cheer: So fingers crossed for you. It sounds really good.

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