Exercise Help


Feb 9, 2009
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Hi, I am 40 years old and have just discovered that I am pregnant after trying for only two months. I am a little stunned and shocked that this happened so quickly, nevertheless delighted.

Now, I am quite a fit active person. I row and train for rowing about 3/4 times a week, run once or twice a week and compete regularly with my horse. What are the sensible guidelines for continuing my exercise until I physically can't because of my bump? I have read many conflicting reports, but I do believe that because I was very fit when I conceived, I should continue to exercise, but maybe perhaps a little less than I was before? I have not yet told my rowing coaches of my condition (very early days) and I do intend to do a 5k boat race at the end of this month - silly to continue or silly to be worrying about it at this stage when I am at peak fitness?


They say it is safe to continue the level of exercise you are used to. But I was also told not to let my heart rate go in excess of 130, which is really low. Do you have a heart rate monitor? I think somebody else said keep you heart rate at 70% of your Max.

I hope this helps and welcome to the forum.
I've also heard it's okay to continue at or near the level of exercise you were at before pg, but to avoid high impact stuff e.g. aerobics etc., and to be more careful as you're more likely to pull something becuase of the hormones relaxing your muscles and ligaments. I'm really not sure what the advice woudl be on rowing, I woudl ask your midwife. If you don't have one yet talk to your surgery adn ask if you can contact the midwife direct.
Thank you Nicky, I shall get one. I am very nervous about all of this but because of my age I want to try and keep in as much shape as I can for as long as possible!

I was quite fit when I fell pregnant with Ellie all the research we found was that is was beneficial for LO to keep exercising as long as possible. Unfortunately through one reason and another, I am quite unfit at the moment. I am sure I am much more tired now as a result, and been feeling far more under the weather.
hiya I have been going swimming/martial arts and gym since conception and before. I see no reason for you to stop your excersise apart from the discussion already said regarding your heart rate. Also if you overheat then your baby relies on your temperature.

I might think twice about horse riding in case of falling - but I depends if you are likely to fall off?

I think it's really important to continue an excersise a regime whilst pregnant!

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