what exercise is safe


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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i have given up using my exercise bike and it is really showing (on my back side lol) what exercise is safe. i was thinkin abount bum crunchs where you squeeze buttocks and hold to tighten muscles i am going away soon and hate this area of my body at the moment . i am going to hate going swimming. please any ideas. :oops:

marie x
When i was pregnant with Sophie, i was so into my excersie and went to gym 5 days a week etc, i asked this question and bascially in the 1st tri, most things are ok if u have been doing them already its when u get into 2nd tri u have to bo more careful, But i do know that using a exercise bike is safe
yeah ive also been told just to carry on as normal well except maybe extreme sports :rotfl:

ive brought a yogo dvd specially for pregnant people and its great
I started doing exercise dvd's about a month ago and I'd like to try and carry on keeping fit. I think I'll give the nell mcandrew one's a rest until after recovering from giving birth, but I've got a rosemary conley one which is a bit more gentle. Might get the Davina pg one when I get bigger.
I put on 4 stone when pg with James due to eating everything in sight and being a lazy lump.
Trying to make an effort to eat healthy this time. I've given up on dieting but going to snack on healthy low fat foods instead of crisp and choccy, thats the plan anyway! :D

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