

Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hey Ladies...I was just wondering, when you get EWCM does that mean its the perfect time for bding or that you've missed the window? I know in the run up to OV its best to do it as much as possible but unsure whether once the EWCM is present it means your bang in OV or the EWCM comes after?
i get EWCM a couple of days before im due to OV hun, then once OV is over i go back to creamy.
just remember that EWCM is fertile mucus,so plenty of bding xx
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Thanks hun. Just wasn't sure if the ewcm meant you had to get bd'ing or if you had already OV'd...great stuff, thanks again! xxx
Yep ewcm is your cue to get bd, it helps the swimmers get in place to meet the egg. It is the best cm.
Thanks Mrs B, I'm gonna get going tonight!! Lol...
Yeah EWCM is the most fertile kind and you get it up to a few days before you OV and it gets creamier after OV. Good luck! x
Thanks Chelly.
I haven't had anymore since my post yesterday saying I was getting it. But we BD'd last night, I plan on doing it again tonight and then again on Thursday. Bless my OH, that's probably more than we've done it in the past month so I cant push for anymore!! We cant do it from Friday either cos his Son is staying Fri and Saturday night so if I get another one in on Sunday do you think that will be ok?
It should be and it certainly wouldn't do any harm. FX for your bfp this month, especially after hassling you OH so much :rofl:
Hahaha yeah, he'll probably have a heart attack if I get a BFN and has to go through it again!!! Lol...
I have 6 days until my AF is due and I think I have EWCM tonight.
This is too late for OV right?

I haven't had a pos OPK this month & I've now run out but cycles are normally 30 days. I've not had this this late in cycle before. Any opinions?
Sorry hun, I dont know for sure, OV is not my strong point. Hopefully someone else will have an answer for you. Good luck. xxxx
Hi Buggy

It could be that you have a short luteal phase. Apparently this makes it harder to get pregnant and for the pregnancy to stick. Or you could have ov'd twice? I would use the poks again next month to make sure and if you do have a short LP then i would suggest seeing you GP xxx

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