OPK & EWCM help **with pic **

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Hey girls!

Well I have not had a positive OPK cos the lines never got as dark as control. Was convinced that I would POAS today and see the line super dark and instead its nearly gone!!! What's that all about? Does this mean my surge has happened and just now showing on my OPK or does it mean I need to keep testing its not happened yet? I have taken pics (CD15 at 1800hrs was darkest yesterday) and I'm at this moment doing an upgrade on my mobile so will have to wait to put up on OPK gallery. Also, 2 days ago I has EWCM in my knickers but not any inside....I've not had it since.... Does the EWCM follow LH surge and come with OV or should it be here? This could mean I'm not gonna OV now then right? Been doing plenty of BDing just in case....advise would be great on this!

Thanks! I'll let you know when I have pics up!
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I'll have a look when you get your pics up, but i think you sound alright ;)

I never got one as strong as my control line, but like i mentioned before all my bloodworks are fine so it mustn't be necessary.

It would also depend on when you take the test and how much you drink around that time :)

When i was doing my turkey baster thing, i have very little EWCM in my knickers and even less in my vag but i could clearly see a plug of it right in my cervix entrance and that is where you need it - so i wouldn't worry about not seeing it oozing out of you :hug:
Cant get my pic up - its too large!! Wont upload and I dont know how to make it smaller. had this problem last time I wanted to put up the pic of my htp and ended up texting it to Mrs Mc and she put it up for me.....
You have the photo on your phone and it is too large to send?

Can you not plug it into the PC and drag the pic over?

If you mean it's too large to upload onto the forum, then get a photobucket account, upload the photo and then you can edit the size of the photo.
Pic attached!


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Will do another 2 today to make sure - I've 2 types of OPK lying around so I'll do one of each in case I had a dodgy one!!
Hmm... not sure myself, but mine tended to go that way right before Ov. I'd get faint lines then the day before Ov nothing, then a good clear positive. :)
hmm...., my lines just got gradually darker then lighter again,

All your sticks look negative so far so don't think you have had your surge yet, maybe over next few days? keep testing
I actually think they look positive to me.

Here are some on mine and my CBFM picked them up as positives:

That said, to be safe i think you should keep testing and bd'in every three days of more for the moment :)
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Did another 2 today and line almost gone on both... I'll keep testing but just bd as normal. Thanks girls. Louise, mine do look like yours.....time will tell as it always does.....
Well, the lines are almost non existant now..... I've yet to test today, I'll wait till lunchtime and do one then. CD15 was the last line, CD16 very faint ( I did 3) CD17 very very very faint (1 only tested once). Im holding onto Kizzibea comment coc I could have kicked myself for not continuing my OPKs last cycle ( I gave up) and then my cycle was longer than I expected it to be so maybe its still to come. I'll keep testing....

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