everybodies money saving tips

I'm a great fan of cooking in bulk and then freezing the cooked stuff to defrost for whenever you fancy. Also saves on cooking every night which is a subsequent saving in leccy :-)

i did this alot while pregnant a god send for when finley arrived :)
oh lots oh i
deas girls espeically the food ones! my food bill is bout £95 for 3 of us that exspensive!!
heres my tips:

sell all un-wanted stuff on ebay!! bundle up baby clothes ect..

always collect tesco vouchers they really add up!! always put your petrol on ur clubcard as well it doubles your points!!

learn to love tkmaxx! lots of designer clothes for u an baby really cheap and best of all have a whole aisle of toys in clearence! jst because boxes are slightly damaged buy as bday presents ect..

always put orange cordial in the fridge with tap water as when its cold it taste better and saves on buying juices and pop that u put in the fridge!!

ask your hairdresser to come to your house to do ur hair for cash!! naughty but saves pennies!

£1 land is great for lots of things like cleaning stuff, toothpaste, gift paper ect..get used to buying cleaning stuff an toiletries from there instead of supermarket it will save a fortune!

get all dentistry done whilst pregnant!

collect all coupons and vouchers out of mags and papers!

buy pure bottles of dettol, instead of fancy sprays water down, and put in a spray bottle. last ages, and cleans everything!

ok i think iv rn out now,but hope these help!
I use online sites like greasypalm to get cash back when I buy online. Works for some supermarkets, if you are renewing insurance etc you can get some moneyback via here we have had £80 one month.

Also online surveys for cash such as pureprofile there is also mums opinions.
ooo some really good 1's coming
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oh lots oh i
deas girls espeically the food ones! my food bill is bout £95 for 3 of us that exspensive!!
heres my tips:

sell all un-wanted stuff on ebay!! bundle up baby clothes ect..

always collect tesco vouchers they really add up!! always put your petrol on ur clubcard as well it doubles your points!!

learn to love tkmaxx! lots of designer clothes for u an baby really cheap and best of all have a whole aisle of toys in clearence! jst because boxes are slightly damaged buy as bday presents ect..

always put orange cordial in the fridge with tap water as when its cold it taste better and saves on buying juices and pop that u put in the fridge!!

ask your hairdresser to come to your house to do ur hair for cash!! naughty but saves pennies!

£1 land is great for lots of things like cleaning stuff, toothpaste, gift paper ect..get used to buying cleaning stuff an toiletries from there instead of supermarket it will save a fortune!

get all dentistry done whilst pregnant!

collect all coupons and vouchers out of mags and papers!

buy pure bottles of dettol, instead of fancy sprays water down, and put in a spray bottle. last ages, and cleans everything!

ok i think iv rn out now,but hope these help!

u think alot like me.
i always do the cordial 1, tastes so much better. i think i always drink more that way 2.
Keep things that will be out of date first at the front of the fridge to make sure it will be used and not dumped xx
I go on the valued opinions website and get my 'earnings' in vouchers, great when you have an unexpected birthday present to buy.
Were eating the fresh veg too

I have now got home grown and pickeld guerkins and only home pickeled brought beatroot, and going to make home grown tomato chutney for the first time this weekend! Also went picking yesterday for Balckberrys at the park, there are loads ready now, if you look in the hedgeows , and got a whole box, going to pick again today and then make am for winter and freeze some more for next batch in 6 mths time

The only think you have to have is some old jam jars and a bag of jam suger

Add a fancy gingham cloth on the top and you have a christmas pressie!
I go on the valued opinions website and get my 'earnings' in vouchers, great when you have an unexpected birthday present to buy.

wots this all about? i wanna know x
When food shopping, start by going down the middle aisle first and then go down each aisle. As the supermarkets put the offers on the ends in the middle!
Kit out your airing cupboard with extra hooks, put them on the back of the door, underneath wooden slats etc - it avoids the tumble drier.

Always make your own lunch for work and avoid the snack machine!
We made homemade french bread and yummy vegtable soup, to save going out buying a big pack of Ham for sarnies, (I won't buy swetty cheepo ham tho as I have issues with it!, all in the mind, since preg with my second child!).

So in effect it was all pretty free for lunch except a little time
When I worked in my old job (selling electrical goods), Hotpoint sent in one of their bosses to give us a bit of extra training and let us know all the ins and outs of their machines.. She told me that with washing powder and other detergents, that the recommended amount they tell you to use on the back of the box/bottle is way too much, and they actually only say to use so much so you run out quicker so you will buy more.. She said half of what they say is ample, so theres another little tip to help those things last a bit longer xx
Before I buy online I use a cashback site such as topcashback - you register with them and then when you want to buy something just type in the store name or insurance company or whoever you are buying from and it will tell you if there is cashback available. I have made over £250 in free money in last year or so by doing this . The big wins tend to be on car and house insurance.
Don't use tesco vouchers for shopping use them on deals - they are worth 4 x as much that way.
Dont pay full price when eating out - there are always deals for prezzo, pizza express, zizzi etc, buy one get one free etc.
Buy and sell on ebay
Use freecycle for great freebies
Never pay interest on a credit card - move it to an interest free one. I havent paid interest in about 10 years!
Check you have best deal on gas and electric by using a comparison site then check the best one through the cashback site to see if any cheaper - it sometimes turns out the 3rd or 4th cheapest is cheaper once you have gone through the cashback site.
Buy food in the reduced section then freeze it.
Always take a list to the shops and dont go when you're hungry
Buying supermarket shopping online can be a money saver for me - I start a list at the start of week, just add things as I go along then when I get to end of week I often remove half the stuff cos it was an impulse buy and I no longer fancy it or it wont fit in with the meals I have planned - so although I have paid for delivery I have saved a load on stuff I didnt really need.
And finally before I buy anything I check out moneysavingexpert (not sure if meant to put that on here so sorry if I'm not) as this tells you all the deals and tips and you can register for a weekly email.
Mystery shopping, i need to get back into it. You get an assignment (e.g. go to a travel agents and enquire about a cruise) then fill in the questionnaire about the customer service you received, and get £ paid into your account.
Mystery shopping, i need to get back into it. You get an assignment (e.g. go to a travel agents and enquire about a cruise) then fill in the questionnaire about the customer service you received, and get £ paid into your account.

how did u get into that?
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If you know anyone with a costco card, get them to get you your washing powder and conditioner, so much cheaper and comes in huge boxes!
Mystery shopping, i need to get back into it. You get an assignment (e.g. go to a travel agents and enquire about a cruise) then fill in the questionnaire about the customer service you received, and get £ paid into your account.

how did u get into that?

Just register online and put times you are available, in your area and they email you when assignments come up. You have to be quick though or someone else will get there first. I use www.grassrootsmysteryshopping.com xxx
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save £1 and £2 coins in a jar, massive way of raising money. OH's brother saved £180 in pound coins in 9 months. not bad.
Ebay buying! the cheapest baby bath seat i could find in shops was £6 and i know thats cheap, but i just bought the same one for 99p plus £1.70 postage so cut that price in half. got a new tt steriliser for £10 with 10 tt closer to nature used bottles - mega saver that was. Ebay is way forward.
Clear out clothes and do boot sales, even for space saving at home get rid of anything you really arent going to use any more.
try and put the odd note in your coin jar too, difficult to do but try, and make this jar a non see through one so you cant go snooping or see how much youve saved, it only tempts you to use it. we have one that doesnt have an open part so you have to fill it and smash it! one of the best ways.
try not to buy lunch or dinner, use what youve got in cupboards!
QUIT SMOKING (my bank account really does look a lot healthier since i did this)
buy the 2for1 deals and always check they are worth it (some supermarkets mug you by pricing incorrectly)
Accept gifts of 2nd hand baby clothes (i have honestly only spent £200 and that has got me EVERYTHING including a cot and matress, practically new off ebay for £100 and all the other bits ie muslins, nappies, bath thermometer, nursing bras, breast pads, etc) and have been given bucket loads of stuff, saves me buying it!!
See if family are planning on buying you pressies, ie MIL and FIL are buying our travel system - saves me £400!
Go to nearly new sales
go to your local church for cheap cakes and stuff etc
charity shops arent all that bad either!!
I go on the valued opinions website and get my 'earnings' in vouchers, great when you have an unexpected birthday present to buy.

wots this all about? i wanna know x

It's website, google it, where they send you surveys, first they ask you a couple of questions to see if you're the kind of person they are looking for and if they accept you, you do the survey. You get paid for each suvey (each one is different and you get paid different amounts) and it all adds up and when you want to cash in your earnings they send you vouchers for high street shops, you can chose which one you want. It's great and you can do as little or as many as you want.

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