Evening Primrose Oil & Raspberry Leaf Tea!

Well seeing as I'm 37 weeks today, I'm going to start inserting one capsule in tonight as well as take it orally.
Do I orally take one capsule and vaginally insert one or do I take more than that? xxx

I swallow 2 and insert one. Pierce it with a pin before u insert.
Thanks hun, yeah I was going to pop it before I put it in, Only problem is.. I don't think we have any pins! :oooo: Lol!
I'll have to find something else sharp xxx
I just used an earring to pop it! Ive been taking one 1000mg orally and yesterday started inserting one too! Be interesting to see if it works for any of us!
That's a good idea ;D
I haven't orally taken any yet, so because it's late now, I'll start orally taking them tomorrow morning. But I'll definitely pop one up the other end tonight :blush: xxx
I bought some of both today, I got the raspberry leaf tea bags and the evening primrose oil capsules, but I'm unsure when to start taking them?

I read that the capsules can be taken vaginally as of 36 weeks :oooo: I'm not 100% about sticking them up there every day :lol:, so if I take them orally instead, will they still have the same affect?

When shall I start drinking the tea as well? And how much? It says up to 3 cups a day xxx

Yes you can do that. According to fertility experts, evening primrose oil pregnancy supplements induce the production of a certain hormone called prostaglandin. Prostaglandin is a type of body hormone that helps in strengthening the cervix and preparing the woman for child birth.


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