ERPC results?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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I had an ERPC 12 days ago after we found out at 9 wks pregnant that I had a blighted ovum.

They were going to send the remaining tissue away for testing but I forgot to ask how long it would take to get the results. Not sure if they will write or phone and tell me the results or if it's a case of if I don't hear anything then all the results are normal.

Just wondered if anyone had any experience of this?

Michelle x
I was told the same thing last September and I've never heard a thing. I asked my GP if there was any results about 3 months afterwards and she said there was nothing on the computer :wall2: and now being told that there's nothing wrong with me with regards to all my losses and sent on my merry way because nothing can be done just leaves me feeling totally let down by the system when I need it most :-(
I hope you get some answers Michelle, but these things can take a good 4-6 weeks at least at the best of times and pathology will have 'urgent' cases to deal with as priority.
I thought it would probably be around 4/6 weeks. Kind of hoped it would be sooner. I would just like to know why! Not even sure if they will be able to tell us the sex since no actual baby developed.
I just want some answers.

Michelle x
Because it was my third MMC and unexplained I specifically requested they analyse the "products of conception" to establish if there was an issue and also tell me the gender. They did neither. I was really angry.
It took 6 weeks and all they were able to tell me was that it wasn't a molar pregnancy. I requested the report and that's all it said.
I hope you get some answers, but as you say above, probably 6 weeks xx hope you're doing ok xx
Because it was my third MMC and unexplained I specifically requested they analyse the "products of conception" to establish if there was an issue and also tell me the gender. They did neither. I was really angry.
It took 6 weeks and all they were able to tell me was that it wasn't a molar pregnancy. I requested the report and that's all it said.
I hope you get some answers, but as you say above, probably 6 weeks xx hope you're doing ok xx

I am so sorry they didn't do the tests you requested and therefore didn't give you and answers you needed. It really surprises me how different hospitals and trusts treat women who go through the heartache of a miscarriage.

Michelle x
This is the same hospital where just before the procedure the nurse said "WOW! Haven't you had a lot of miscarriages!"
I was so shocked I didn't tear strips off her which I've felt like doing many times since. It goes without saying that I've now self referred to another hospital.
Hope you're ok xxxxx
This is the same hospital where just before the procedure the nurse said "WOW! Haven't you had a lot of miscarriages!"
I was so shocked I didn't tear strips off her which I've felt like doing many times since. It goes without saying that I've now self referred to another hospital.
Hope you're ok xxxxx

That is absolutely shocking. How insensitive. I would of ripped her head off. So much for the caring profession

Michelle x
After my third miscarriage they were 'supposed' to do this for me but 'the products of conception' (that's what they call it, I don't know what to call it, there was only a sac as was a MMC) went missing :( I was told 6 -7 weeks for results though xx
After my third miscarriage they were 'supposed' to do this for me but 'the products of conception' (that's what they call it, I don't know what to call it, there was only a sac as was a MMC) went missing :( I was told 6 -7 weeks for results though xx

OMG, how on earth did they manage to go missing. That is appalling. Did you complain?

Michelle x
After my third miscarriage they were 'supposed' to do this for me but 'the products of conception' (that's what they call it, I don't know what to call it, there was only a sac as was a MMC) went missing :( I was told 6 -7 weeks for results though xx

OMG, how on earth did they manage to go missing. That is appalling. Did you complain?

Michelle x

I have no idea how it happened, they gave me the appointment for seven weeks time, let me go along thinking I was getting answers and then told us there that they had got lost. I was so upset as you can imagine. I did kick up a big fuss and said I wanted karyotyping bloods done as it was their fault I had no answers, its not something they do routinely but I had to know if there was a chromosome issue. My OH went mad at the guy about it, it was awful xx
I would of went mental as well. They should of let you know before hand. As if you hadn't been through enough without adding that stress

Michelle x
Similar thing with me Lisey. By the time I found out they hadn't done what I asked it was way too late.
It really left me with no idea what had been happening at a time when I needed answers so badly!
I just don't understand how they could be so careless

Michelle x
Because to them, miscarriage isn't important. As unfortunately those of us who have been through have discovered. I was left furious after mine, even having the appointments afterwards in the scan dept with all the happy pregnant people. That's just hideous x
When I had my first mc last year and erpc, I was not told what happened to baby afterwards or any results of why it happened. All they said was you should get a negative preg test in 2 weeks and I was sent on my way. I can't fault some of the nurses there as they were lovely, but the aftercare was rubbish. x
Sounds like this happens a lot. I was told the 'product of conception' would be sent for tests then never heard a thing back. And that was in February. I hope you get your results soon. Keep chasing it up. I wish I had x
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Thank you for all your advice. I will make sure I keep hounding them for results. Hopefully my tissue samples made it to the lab safely and all the appropriate testing was done.
I really am sorry to hear that a lot of you were let down by your hospitals.I just can't believe miscarriages are just swept under the carpet and we are treated so appallingly.

Michelle X
It's appalling. Hopefully your hospital is ok, sounds like it's not bad. That treatment I suffered is why I got involved with the Saying Goodbye charity, as their aim is to stop all that, and honour lost babies. I don't do much for them at the moment obviously x
Oh Michelle I 'm so sorry ( i haven't been in here much lately) , treatment after a mmc or mc is shocking, I wish they would have a drive to sort it our. Knowing the gender of a lost baby would have helped me too, keep hounding them for answer any tests they have done , hang in there x
I didn't get any replies from all of my Erpcs they said they just test to make eye it's complete n get rid of remains nicely so to speak :( xx

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