EPU appt - fingers crossed for me please


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Ok, about to leave work to go to the EPU for last minute appointment Midwife organised for me - if you didnt my other thread I've had some bleeding and discomfort, also I'm Rhesus neg which I think caused M/W to make sure I got an appointment.

Hope it can put my mind at rest - all fingers crossed for me please!! :oooo:
I am keeping everything crossed for you. good luck hun, let us know how you get on xxx
Got everything crossed for you darling x x x
Gosh I hope everythings ok!! X x
Let's hope no news is good news...fingers crossed! x
Hi girls thanks for all your lovely messages.

Well just back from hospital, what a palaver. Got there at 4pm to find the EPU was closed so I had to go and wait in one of the wards until a doctor could see me. Finally got seen an hour and a quarter later. Explained all to doc and she listened to babies heartbeat - which was fine, thank god. Then had an internal exam - pretty damn painful! - and she said that the bleeding had stopped and the neck of the womb was closed so all good.
She told me I would still have to have a scan though so I need to call up tomorrow morning to see if they have any cancellations - fingers crossed.
Next thing I was told that I would have to have the Anti-D injection as I'm Rhesus negative and the bleed could cause the antibodies in my blood to attack the baby if I didn't have it within 72 hours of the bleed. They took my blood to test it and I was told to come back no less than 2 hours later when the injection would be ready for me.
Sooooo..... I went home, had something to eat and a coke because by this time I was feeling pretty grotty, especially as the hospital was so hot it felt like a sauna. Went back at 7:30ish (after big row with OH because he didnt want to come with me as he had 'stuff to do') - only to be told that - THEY HAD LOST MY BLOOD SAMPLE!!!! This meant that I ended up waiting for an hour while the nurse tried to track it down but to no avail so I had to have more blood taken and have to go back tomorrow for the jab (not before ringing first of course to see if it got lost or not)....

So tomorrow morning I have to try and get a scan and if I cant I have to go for the jab anyway, then try and get a scan on Friday. The nurse said it's ok but I cant wait any longer than tomorrow for the Anti-D. She was really apologetic and I know she felt really bad about it bless her.

Phew, sorry for the long story, can't believe what a mess it was and I'm still worried and feeling like shit (not least because OH is being such a sod).

At least I know LO's heart is still beating as it should be and it looks like it's going to be ok, I just feel drained.
aw bless you! Going through all that and then your OH plays up too. They can be so selfish at times!! I'm sure all will be fine now, lots of hugs hun x x
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Wow, what a day! Hope you get everything sorted today and get a scan tomorrow :) x
God what a day!!! So glad baby is alright!! x

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