EPU appt - fingers crossed for me please

It's so stressful - and not helped when blood samples get lost! :wall2:

Glad the baby is ok and hope you get a scan today.
Thanks girls. Waiting to hear from scan unit but they're not hopeful I'll get in today but hopefully tomorrow. Will still have to go back for the Anti-D injection today though either way.
Just resting at the mo until I hear from them.
Ok, going back to hospital in a bit for the injection, then have a scan at 7:45 tomorrow morning.
Trying to just rest but I'm rubbish, cos I'm off work I keep doing housework and stuff, must stop!!!
Hi all, well everything is ok and baby is fine!!! Phew!!!!!!!!

Had the scan and baby is well and a lot bigger than the last time I saw him/her, was waving arms and legs around and generally moving into strange yoga type positions! Placenta is fine and no sign of any more bleeding. Urine checked and all clear.
Doc said is was just old blood and can happen but nothing I've done has caused it, I just need to rest up over the weekend and will be fine.

Also had the Anti-D jab yesterday - only had to wait an hour this time! - and it was pretty bloomin painful - in my thigh, but apart from a sore leg not too dramatic. Hope this doesn't happen again though as not loking forward to all this again.

Oh and they dated baby at 18+4 days so my due date has come forward to 29th November!
Glad everything is ok hun!!! Take it easy over the weekend! xx
Yay glad all is ok!! What was your due date before?
So glad everythings ok Hun, bet it's such a relief xx
Yay glad all is ok!! What was your due date before?

Thanks all, yes massive relief!

Becky my due date was 5th December, now 29th November. I'm wondering if they could change it again though at my 20 week scan on the 21st? I guess that's when they really confirm the date?
Yay glad all is ok!! What was your due date before?

Thanks all, yes massive relief!

Becky my due date was 5th December, now 29th November. I'm wondering if they could change it again though at my 20 week scan on the 21st? I guess that's when they really confirm the date?

WOW we are due at the same time now!!!
Yay glad all is ok!! What was your due date before?

Thanks all, yes massive relief!

Becky my due date was 5th December, now 29th November. I'm wondering if they could change it again though at my 20 week scan on the 21st? I guess that's when they really confirm the date?

WOW we are due at the same time now!!!

Ooo brilliant a due date buddy!! :) I'm just wondering if they'll change it again at my 20week! It's all a bit confusing!!
Glad to hear everything's OK. I want to know though, has your OH apologised for being a complete cock?!

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