Episiotomy or natural tearing?

I had an episotomy and it didnt hurt at all.. it healed well whithin a few days and had no problems. I think I would rather that than tear as at least with the episotomy it was a clean cut and helped baby out. Tearing can go anywhere and end up worse (or better).. They dont generally offer you one though unless there real reason too.
I had natural tears with both my daughters. Oldest daughter 17yrs, I had 11 stitches and had Matilda 3 weeks ago with a tear that didnt need any stitches. I didnt feel a thing with either but if I had a choice of tearing or being cut I would want to tear naturally every time...xxx
I read that theres actually no evidence base for episiotomies at all. Its just something doctors thought needed to be done cos fitting a baby through a space that small just defies the laws of physics. But it does work, no need for doctors to make the 'space' bigger unless they need to get forceps/instruments in. There are still countries where they cut every woman routinely :shock: My legs are very much crossed right now!
I read that theres actually no evidence base for episiotomies at all. Its just something doctors thought needed to be done cos fitting a baby through a space that small just defies the laws of physics. But it does work, no need for doctors to make the 'space' bigger unless they need to get forceps/instruments in. There are still countries where they cut every woman routinely :shock: My legs are very much crossed right now!

My midwife said the same, there's really no need for an episiotomy unless you're having an assisted delivery, it's the only reason I had one otherwise they wouldn't have done it. They were very clear about this at the time. I remember the midwife saying I would have been fine without otherwise
My midwife said the same. unless you need assisted delivery they dont generally offer you one. My midwife said I would of stretched myself but the birth would of been alot slower as they let you stretch graduallly but as baby was distressed they ywanted to cut me to get him out quicker. Honestly though if you have to have one theyre not that bad and its not something Im going too worry about.

I had episiotomy! Though after it, it was really ainful when the anesthesia's gone already. And my pain tolerance that time was really low, I don't know maybe because of the hormones? lol. But anyway, the advantage of having an episiotomy is that the cut is clean and bleeding is reduced. While the natural tear is dangerous since the direction of the tear won't be predicted and there's more bleeding.
i had a 3rd degree tear apparently because h came out so fast - he took 33 mins from when my waters broke which included 23 mins of pushing!! It was sore but more like being bruised down there!! my friend was cut and she had a similar healing pattern to me.
Random, but do they usually cut after putting the forceps in or before or what? Cause they tried forceps, the doctor shoved both her bloody arms up there to try get her out and then opted for a section. Yet they didnt even try and cut me, so either they do it as the babys coming out, or Ive got a wizards sleeve of a foof. :shock:
:lol: mel!! im sure thats not the case, maybe there wasnt time?x
I think they normally always do an episitotomy before forceps etc but maybe not?.. Whenever they use forceps on the birth programmes i watch they always cut first :D
I must make a flapping sound when I walk but Im oblivious :shock:

Id never thought about it until reading this thread. Ah well, the next one might just slide out :thumbup:
had an epsiotomy with my first as he dropped his heart rate and was 5 weeks prem !!! didnt feel anything and the stitching up was ok. not much pain after either just took paracetamol and ibruprefen regularly for the sore boobs etc anyway !! had first degree tear with my second which needed nothing doing to it and didnt feel afterwards. wouldnt worry u will just do what needs doing at the time xxx

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