Episiotomy or natural tearing?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Sorry if this topic has been raised before but it's something I keep thinking about and from what I understand its part of writing down your birth plan.
What is everyone's experiences/opinions?

I cant help thinkin episiotomy isnt really necessary unless maybe it's forceps delivery.
Hmm I'm not sure how that sort of thing can be part of a birth plan because the midwives will do what they think is necessary at the time. There's only so much you can do to stop tearing but if it's going to happen it can't be helped. An epistomy should be a last resort because its a bigger cut than a natural tear x
I had an episiotomy because I had an assisted delivery (ventouse). I also had a second degree tear further down but can't honestly say that I could tell which was the cut and which was the tear once I was all sewn up so can't say which was best healing / pain wise. I definitely wouldn't have an episiotomy if I could avoid it though, I'd much rather take the chance and tear (or not, obviously that would be better lol!) in a more "natural" way. I can't see why you'd need one unless the baby was really stuck or if like me you needed assistance...
I had both. I wouldnt recommend either. lol. Ended up havin a 3rd degree tear which required an hour and a half of surgery with a spinal block to stitch up in the early hours of xmas morning. I didnt have an assisted delivery but my bubs was big ( 9lb4) and Im only small (5ft4 and weighed about 8 and half stone b4 i got pregnant) so think that had alot to do with it. Just hope u have neither. But its all healed well. x
the thought of an episiotomy makes me go all funny and ahve to cross my legs! i had 2 3rd degree tears, the first was cos i had a superbaby (9lb12 and i'm 5'1) and 2nd i think was just cos she came out so quick and it was already weakened! i spose if you're not stretching enough and you need to be cut, then so be it, but they say tearing heals easier too!
I didn't have either but while I was in the delivery room the MW asked my permission to cut me if she thought I was going to tear, she said it was better that way.. I agreed because she said I would be numbed down there and the way she explained it it made sense, I'm just rubbish with words :lol: sorry xx
I had both. I had an assisted delivery (forceps) and had an episiotomy and then tore. Couldnt tell you which was worse, it was all really sore!!I didnt really care tbh, I just wanted what was best for bubs. Beforehand i said i didnt want an episiotomy but when it came to it i really didnt care. I put in my birth plan that i would prefer not to have an episiotomy but would have one if the health proffessional thought it was necessary and obviously it was xxx
i passed out in out antenatal classes when they qwere talking about episiotomy and i asked my MW about it and she said they generally only do it if its to prevent far worse tearing.....??
I wouldn't worry about it hun, if you need an assisted delivery then they will most likely cut you, but I can guarentee by that point you will just want what is needed to get baby out safely. Theres always a chance of tearing and if its going to happen it will happen. x
I had both , they only did the episiomity as it was necessary for forceps , I think thats the policy with most place ?
Thing is if you need an assisted delivery then they are obviously in a bit of a hurry so aren't able to hang around waiting for you to stretch more or tear if you were going to. My midwife had said there wasn't a great deal of point in putting a preference like that in your birth plan as obviously no one would opt for an epesiotomy if it wasn't completely necessary.
i tore and didn't feel a thing as my epidrual worked so well.. and didn't feel the stitches either and they did a fab job. it didn't hurt at all afterwards either... i'd rather tear again than opt for the episiotemy.

I read somewhere the other day that they no longer do "routine" episiotomeys - they are only used if it is important for the health of baby or mum so like someone above said i think it is just best to wait and see what happens at the time... you can put in your birthplan that you would rather suffer a tear than have an episiotomy, but that if yours or the babys health is in danger you will give permission for them to do what they need to do...
hi i had this in my birth plan with my daughter.

firstly to anyone else who is unsure they basically are cutting you to make room for when they put the ventouse or forceps in as u may need assistance getting little one out like i did, either from it getting stuck or u being too tired.

when they cut u hun they will make a small cut down then one to the side slightly, u cant feel anything even when they stitch you up so dont worry at all, u wont know its happening.

the reason its better to have this done and not natural tearing is if u tear naturally it can go straight down to ur anus which can cause problems healing

being vut takes control of where its going basically, any more ifo just ask xx
Thing is if you need an assisted delivery then they are obviously in a bit of a hurry so aren't able to hang around waiting for you to stretch more or tear if you were going to. My midwife had said there wasn't a great deal of point in putting a preference like that in your birth plan as obviously no one would opt for an epesiotomy if it wasn't completely necessary.
That's basically what mine told me , I asked her (while pretty spaced out on gas and air :whistle: not to cut me to let me tear ) she laughed and told me they would prefer neither and they would only cut if they HAD to
I had to have an episiotomy with my first as he was 9lb 7oz & I'm 5ft 4oz - I had been pushing for around 2 hours & was exhausted! He was delivered via ventouse & I only used a Tens machine & gas & air. They numbed me before they cut me & to be honest I was fearing the sting of the needle, but didn't feel a thing - the catheter they inserted was the most painful experience of my entire labour & I refused them inserting the 2nd one!!
As for healing I has some herbal bath powders that helped me heal quickly & my stitches didn't really catch or cause massive discomfort. The most daunting this is going to the loo. I found pouring coolish water over my bits after having a wee stopped me from stinging too much. After hearing stories about feeling like you're on fire & sitting on rubber rings etc. I was pretty scared, but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

Sunnyb xxx
I had a second degree tear with my first but I didn't feel it even though I only had gas
I had a second degree tear was midwife mentioned episiotimomy and then i pushed and tore so didnt have it - was sore for quite a few days just coming back to normal now x
I would never have written this in my birth plan. Dont think you can be ask to be cut! Apprarantly natural tears heal better x
This thread is making me cross my legs very tight lol
In my birth plan I put that I didn't want an episiotomy unless it was serious!! X

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