
No side effects, but then I was one of the unlucky 20% of people it didn't work for!

My epidural worked a dream and meant that I got some much needed sleep during what was a very loooong labour! I had no side effects and had the catheter taken out just 6 hours after giving birth and was back on my feet again.
it took 45mins and 3 attempts to get my epi in. Which was torture as you are perched over the end of the bed hugging a pillow being held still during your contractions. You have to stay stock still.

once it was in it only worked down one side, which amplified the pain down the other. A few hours later they managed to fix it by pulling it back out a bit and firing more stuff down me. (The boost button on the epi wasnt even helping with the pain). Once they sorted it, it was ace! didnt feel a thing and managed to push baby out well.
I was thinking about side effects of one of these the other day!, but my motto for having one is..The less i feel the better :lol:, but now i know theres no side effects im definitely convinced about having one when the time comes :D

Im not putting a downer on the epi, go for it if you like. just remember because these girls had no side effects doesn't mean you won't hun. there's a big list of possible side effects the same with any intrusive procedure.


Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Are you tapatalking Pudds? She seems to be about 60 weeks pregnant now according to her ticker so safe to assume the time for epidurals has come and gone :lol:
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Haha yes. can't see!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
lmao. although same message for anyone thinking the same :o

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I always imagine that they really hurt to put in? Do they?
I always imagine that they really hurt to put in? Do they?

Not at all. Its uncomfortable because you have to be scrunched up during contractions

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
No side effects, but then I was one of the unlucky 20% of people it didn't work for!


Im also in Tors group, My left leg from the knee down was numb. So needless to say the Gas & Air didnt leave me once.

They tok my cathater out right befor ei pushed so obviously it must depend on the hospital?
I dont remember feeling pain at all probably because the hardest thing is to keep still even if you're having a contraction.
That part of my left leg was completely numb so im sure had it worked it would have been great !
Mine was a bit one sided when they put it in so i had to roll onto my right handside so that it would move. I didn't have any side effects per se, but I did have a rather swollen left leg for a good week or so after. It didn't hurt atall, i just looked like the elephant man! :lol:
My epidural worked a dream and meant that I got some much needed sleep during what was a very loooong labour! I had no side effects and had the catheter taken out just 6 hours after giving birth and was back on my feet again.

You were soooo lucky; I was Catheterised for 24 hours and also had a retaining pacenta which meant surgery after the birth; I was in hospital for four days, though thst was not due to the epidural I am sure... I saw my baby in a wheelchair that evening as I was tubed up and couldn't feel my legs... xx
I know 2 epidurals gone wrong. First one they stuffed it up and when they went to star to open her up she could feel it. She will never have another baby again. My other friend they stuffed it up again different hospital. She complained of headaches and numbness a few days later she was unable to move. They found she was leaking spinal fluid and her brain was resting on her spine and crushing her spinal cord. If ever need an emergency c section they are going to have to knock me out.
Haha! i started this thread in May before LO was born.

well i had the epidural ( took around 4 times to get it in) and it was great, slept through most of labour. My right arm went dead though for a short period not sure why, but other then that it was fine. Xx
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