Epidural question

I think everyone's so different some people don't want any pain relief at all others don't want to feel a thing lol (like me)!!! I'll prob see how it goes and if it gets too much can chuck it in lol
Dont be scared about having an epidural hun, I was worried before I had mine as they tell you all these horror stories but it was fine and you cant see what is going on either so you dont have to look at the needle or anything!!

I have a thing about needles, the idea of it creeps me out! x

I'm hoping that I don't feel the need to have an epidural, it's scares the crap out of me x

Thats why I went to mw led unit so I didnt have a choice.

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The nearest one to here is too far away for us :( x
The Midwifery lead unit with us in the hospital I work is amazing. Amazing staff, gorgeous private rooms, BUT no doctors in hospital at all therefore it's blue light 20 mins up the road if anything goes wrong. I've worked next door to the unit so long and seen so many transfers I'd never go there, which is such a shame as it's the perfect place to have your babba!
I was lucky with the mw led unit, it is in the hospital and the docs etc are just next door if you need to be moved.

You do what you need to do hun, if you don't think you can deal with the pain then the epidural is probably the best choice. Though be prepared you will experience some pain before they will let you have it!

For me the gas and air was the stuff that I didn't get on with (along with the failed epidural) it made me violently sick and spaced out. I didn't know what I was doing! I was speaking some bollocks to my husband and the whole day was a blur.
I went for a MW led unit having been led to think it was the best thing since sliced bread and it was rubbish! We were left alone for hours on end, refused pain relief until I was ready to bring the place down and the idiotic MW told me to push too soon, which caused lots of trouble later.

These units seem to be very hit and miss, my advice would be to try and suss out what your local one is like from people who've been though it.
I was happy with my epidural, it was such a relief for me. i was admited to hospital 4cm dilated (had contractions for 70hours, haven't slept for 3 nights). before they found room for me they asked have i thought about pain relief and I said i want epidural. i was told they will organise it straight away. i got it in 30 min. i was lucky it was night time, so they weren't that busy... that day was pre set c-section day, so i guess later would of been harder to get an epidural. anyway at the end i ended up with emergency c-section as my baby wasn't tolerating some of contractions and was stressing when i was asked to push. overall a epidural experience was good.
Thanks for all your replies and stories makes the whole thng feel more real but gives me an insight as to what to expect. Thanks girls x
I was induced and ended up having the drip and had the epidural put in straight away.. I heard that the contractions where so much stronger when started off with the drip so wanted the pain relief straight away ha...x
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i want to get an epidural too, ill use the gas and air tho until the pain is too much then ask for an epidural! i dont want to feel it if i tear or need an episiotomy and stuph. i typed out a birth plan to print and stick in my notes that says gas and air and epidural lol.

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