Hey, I was the same as you, I deceided early on I had no interest in being in excruiciating pain, thought that wouldn't do me or the baby any use whatsoever!
I arrived at the hospital at 2am, was told I was already 7 cms somehow having not taken anything, and requested my epidural immediately.
Personally, it was excellent for me. I then sat on the bed, eating sweets, chatting to my widwife, and reading my book until 7am, not one hint of pain, and then at 7.30am my son was born, with about 10 pushes, not painful, just slightly uncomfy. Up the corridors, I could hear these poor women screaming and mooing and it terrified me.
I just couldn't understand why anyone would want to put themselves through that! I don't try and tackle broken arms and chest infections without medical help, its 2010, I want the best pain relief available!
I absolutely will be having another one this time, and rather looking forward to it.
The only thing that I suppose is a bit scary is that I couldn't feel my legs, so obviously you can't walk around. Was exactly planning a stroll around though, so didn't bother me!
I just felt I had made the decision well before getting to hospital, probably pretty early in my pregnancy, and would hate to have been one of those women who tried to do it on their won, then asked for one cause they were n so much pain, but were too far along or something. In my prenatal class, out of 25 women, I was the only one who said I wanted one. I bet some of those women ended up having to have them cause gas and air wasn't enough.