Epidural...yay or nay??


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2010
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Obviously somtimes its neccicary and has to be done, ie for a c-section, but what are your thoughts on just requesting one because you cnt deal with the pain?

Personaly I think they shud be avoided if possible as my mum had one and it damaged her back, what's everyone elses thoughts on this??
I know a few people who had them and I think it's up to individuals what they wanna do. But for me I don't want and am not planning on having one, I'm hoping to do it with as little drugs as poss! Have to see how that goes ...

I've had 3 and they are the best IMO. I'd have another if I'm lucky enough to be in labour again. Why suffer when you don't need to. The relief is indescribable and allows you to rest before the big push. I'd recommend them to anyone xxx
A big yay for me!!! If i can deal with the pain i won't get one but if it gets too much definitely!! I don't think i will cope though.
Before I had eva I was all "ooh no I won't have one at all! I shall do it without pain relief". When I actually went in labour I managed 14 hrs without pain relief apart from one dose of meptid which doesn't actually take pain away but makes u so drowsy that u don't notice the pain much. After 14 hrs the contractions ramped up so much that at one point I was bending over backwards trying to break my back so that I wouldn't feel the pain anymore. I gave in and had the epidural. The relief was indescribable! It gave me a rest which I badly needed after being awake almost 2 days.

If I were to experience labour again, i'd certainly try to go naturally but would be more open minded about epidurals and happily have it again if I needed it.
I don't have a clue! Lol. I'd like to try and not have one, but if I am in agony and really struggle I would definately consider one. My main reason for not wanting one is because I would quite like a water birth in an ideal situation! I know one lady who says she's never been the same since an epidural, but think this is quite rare to be honest. Warding things like one born every minute when some people are really stressed and not coping, the minute they have an epidural they change completely into differen peole, so I think they do benefit some people as a baby needs a calm mother. But if you're going in labour then there's probably no need! I think it's something that should definately be kept an open mind about. X
It would be a huge YAY from me having done it the 'natural' way first time round. All power to those who choose to go without pain relief but having done it without myself, personally...never again! x
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I'll be willing to have one if it the pain is too much for me and I can't cope anymore. Would like to try other pain relief before that though. But I agree with Lexi, keep an open mind. I guess for alot of us it's our first babies, and we don't really know how we'll feel in that situation. I've been a birthing partner but I wasn't the one in labour.

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It depends. If I had went into labour naturally, I wouldn't as I can handle things when Im eased into them. But with both my pregnancies I was induced ridiculous amounts of times and then had to be put on the big D... the drip. Even the MWs said, yeah you're going to need an epidural, so I started without, then bloody realised what they meant! None of this have a contraction for 30 secs and have a few mins break for me! Tried gas and air, felt high and sick, awful. Pethidine... did nothing for me but bruised my arse lol. So in my situation, bloody epidural all the way! lol xx
Having never been there before I think it is hard to say BUT I think it would be a nay for me!
I have a real thing about the epidural and plan to avoid it like the plauge! Plus I plan on having a water birth so all I will be able to have is gas and air!!
But each to their own and if you want/need one then go for it!
I am actually more scared at the thought of an epidural than I am about labour so I dont think I will have one unless I have to have it for an emergency!
Lots off diffrent opions tbh, I reserched it just incase I need to have it in an emergancy but I do seriously want to avoid it, last thing I want is a cathiter and not to be able to feel my legs for hours, I want to be able to walk round with my baby and rock it properly if it gets upset
One thing I will say loulou, and believe me I'm all for as natural as possible, but before my first I was under the impression I would be stuck for a long time. Now granted I was with my first but that's coz I immediately haemorrhaged.

Just so u know, in case the situation arises where u feel u have to, don't worry. My son was born, I fed him in bed straight away. Also when they are born, they basically just sleep. Well, someone correct me, but my two did. I was able to walk within .... About an hour. I showered unaided at 90 mins. Now I was stubborn coz they wanted me to stay in overnight and I was just trying to prove I didn't need to lol.
Please don't think I'm pushing u for it!!! It's just I know of a lot of people who's birth plans basically got torn up and they got very upset by the way things turned out. So I'm basically saying, don't worry, with an epidural u r still completely able to look after: soothe bambino xx
Just a quick note girls, you dont actually have to have one for a c section you can opt for a general which I am clearly stating on my birth plan!!
I know what you mean Mrs.S the thought of the epidural actually fills me with terror which is why I plan to avoid!
Lol, also just re reading the posts, the actual epidural does not hurt!!! Now, I was also petrified. I don't know if it's the numbing spray that works really well, or the fact that by that point it could come close to the pain of contractions, just anyone who is planning on one, ends up getting one, please don't worry!! X again mayb diff for other people, but the two times I had to have it, no pain at all xxx
its not the having the needle for me its the not being able to feel i freak out if my legs are pinned down lol if i needed a c section though i would have the spinal block over a general any day because you miss the whole thing on a general, heres a list on what i had on my births

dd gas and air + pethidine threw up loads throughout labour baby slept afterwards
ds gas and air + pethidine + anti sickness baby slept afterwards
dd gas and air baby was ver awake and alert afterwards
ds gas and air + diamorphine baby slept afterwards

only did this because i think as i only had dd with gas n air thats why she was more awake and not drowsy at all so if i can do it again with just gas and air i will as i plan to breast feed this 1
yay for me too, my friend had one and recommended it.
It will be a nay for me this time. I got induced last time and ended up asking for an epidural, they dont hurt when being done at all just uncomfortable. But for me it didnt work, it numbed one side of my body so they told me to move to my side and then when i moved it stopped completely. They never worked for my mum either so this time Im not going to have one at all. Im hoping to be in a birthing centre anyway so wont have the option of one there. I must say I didnt like any of the pain drugs offered couldnt even stand gas and air.
Actually just had a thought, if I'm giving birth in the midiwives unit I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to get one anyway. Hmmmm, discussing all this with the midwife in 3 weeks anyway. Although I know from being a birthing partner and other peoples stories that labour hardly ever goes to plan......oh me lol. X

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