Epidural...yay or nay??

Actually just had a thought, if I'm giving birth in the midiwives unit I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to get one anyway. Hmmmm, discussing all this with the midwife in 3 weeks anyway. Although I know from being a birthing partner and other peoples stories that labour hardly ever goes to plan......oh me lol. X

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i think they only do them in the hospital :) you will be grand without 1 believe in your bodies ability to do it :)
One thing I will say loulou, and believe me I'm all for as natural as possible, but before my first I was under the impression I would be stuck for a long time. Now granted I was with my first but that's coz I immediately haemorrhaged.

Just so u know, in case the situation arises where u feel u have to, don't worry. My son was born, I fed him in bed straight away. Also when they are born, they basically just sleep. Well, someone correct me, but my two did. I was able to walk within .... About an hour. I showered unaided at 90 mins. Now I was stubborn coz they wanted me to stay in overnight and I was just trying to prove I didn't need to lol.
Please don't think I'm pushing u for it!!! It's just I know of a lot of people who's birth plans basically got torn up and they got very upset by the way things turned out. So I'm basically saying, don't worry, with an epidural u r still completely able to look after: soothe bambino xx

see i managed fine with only gas and air and i was in full on labour for three days with my first who ended up being 9lb 3oz, i also hamemorrhaged and lost a lot off blood was in for 6 days after having her, but i still dnt regret refussing one! as for waiting a hour and a half after giving birth for a shower forget that giving birth is messy stuff you know lol!!

idnt disagree with them by all means i just think they shud be kept for emergancys only and ladys shud have more faith in there bodys to do the job off giving birth :-)
It's such a personal choice! I wouldn't have one (and haven't either time) but my pain threshold is very high so i've not felt the need however my sister has a ridiculously low pain threshold and after being in labour for 36 hours she had an epidural (despite a phobia of needles) to help her cope.

The effects on baby concern me too.
Actually just had a thought, if I'm giving birth in the midiwives unit I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to get one anyway. Hmmmm, discussing all this with the midwife in 3 weeks anyway. Although I know from being a birthing partner and other peoples stories that labour hardly ever goes to plan......oh me lol. X

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i think they only do them in the hospital :) you will be grand without 1 believe in your bodies ability to do it :)

Thanks hunni :)

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Oh and I agree with the guys saying trust your body. I honestly believe the fear and stigma of natural birth that appears to have become the norm is why so many women will opt for an epidural or even a section without attempting natural birth (obv if you've had a section before then natural birth might not be possible) and that makes me quite sad.
Iv had a completely natural birth not even gas and air and also had an epidural birth and without a doubt the natural birth was soo much better. I felt quite helpless when I had an epidural and the pushing part was so much harder as it takes away your natural pushing instincts and you have to listen to someone else telling you and not been able to move around is for me the worst part then been left on a ward with a baby when you can hardly move is awful, my second child was born naturally and I really enjoyed the experience if you can get past that stage where you feel you cant cope then your body takes over and just does what its supposed to the pushing part was easier my labour progressed faster and I could do as I wanted while in labour, best of all we came home after a couple of hours and I felt great and felt I could bond better with the baby. This time im hoping for a home birth so fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

Im not completely against epidural I think people deal with labour differently and if you feel you cant get through another minute then its best to get it as the hard work is pushing so you need your energy if its been a long slow labour like mine was you will be exhausted so having some sleep before the pushing will be a godsend. but until your there in that situation you wont know how your going to feel dont be too dissapointed if your birth plan doesnt go right as long as the baby is out and healthy then that is the main thing weather it be natural birth or ending in c-section. xxx
I've also had both kinds of birth: Epidural with dd1. G&A with dd2 and ds. They were all such different births too. There is nothing wrong with epidurals, they do the trick most of the time but you also have to deal with the catheter, immobility, the mw's asking you for hours after the birth if you've done a wee yet, the afterpains in your ack, the shakes (nobody tells you about the shakes), the drips, the canulas. But when you're in the throws of labour and in so much pain, sometimes you panic how you will cope and an epi takes that away.
With just g&a I was up and walking minutes after the birth. It bloody hurt like hell, but only for a bit, and your body gives off so many feel good endorphines you feel great afterwards x
I completely refused this all along in my pregnancy I made my hubby promise not to let them give me it unless it was a life or death situation.
And I had my son with-out it and i'm glad I did, I'm a nightmere with pain and really expected myself to cave but didn't. Just my own opinion and choice
Good luck :)
I've also had both kinds of birth: Epidural with dd1. G&A with dd2 and ds. They were all such different births too. There is nothing wrong with epidurals, they do the trick most of the time but you also have to deal with the catheter, immobility, the mw's asking you for hours after the birth if you've done a wee yet, the afterpains in your ack, the shakes (nobody tells you about the shakes), the drips, the canulas. But when you're in the throws of labour and in so much pain, sometimes you panic how you will cope and an epi takes that away.
With just g&a I was up and walking minutes after the birth. It bloody hurt like hell, but only for a bit, and your body gives off so many feel good endorphines you feel great afterwards x

You know everyone says this about feeling great straight after- I can honestly say that I really didn't- my LO was born at 36 weeks and so I never had her straight on my chest so those 'feel good' endorphins never kicked in- I carried on feeling in a huge amount of pain for a good hour or so until it subsided a bit. Having said that, most people won't be in that position.
poll added as im finding it reallt intresting hearing all your experiances :)
I went for maybe on your poll (but not neccessarily only in an emergency lol)

This is my first time and although I have a fairly sensible pain threshold I want to have the option to go for one if I feel the need.
I don't think its a good idea to add pressure to myself by saying there is no way I will have one, if I need it Ill bloody well have it lol

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