Enfamil Anti-reflux


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2012
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Has anyone tried this? If so how did you find it and did you get it on prescription?

I have just put CJ onto the C&G anti-reflux as found the ranitidine just wasn't working and my gp has referred us to paediatrics but there is a 10 week ish wait, he seems much better but the milk is just so thick he gets annoyed, even on vari-flow teats, plus you have to wait 7 minutes, which at 3am is a long time with a screaming baby!!!!

Any advice would be greatly received ladies!!!

Tired Mummy to Colby Jacques born 4/2/2013
I put LO on C&G reflux milk, and I found it very gloopy, sticky and it gave her hellish wind. I had always been told Aptamil and C&G are the same, the product list is even identical, but I switched and bought a tub of Aptamil AR.

and its so much better! Not quite as gloopy and her wind isnt as bad although we do still put dentinox in every bottle.

i actually use a sterile feeding spoon to mix the forumla instead of shaking so it doesnt get so much air into it. (the C&G one was like froth, the aptamil one was again a lot better for air)

we use Dr Browns and have Y cut teats. It works really well.

as for ranitidine, what doesage is baby on?

we got started on 0.5mls 3 times a day for a 6mnth old baby at 7kg. It did nothing, so she then got put onto a maximum dose of 1.5mls.
Now she is 7.7kg her dosage has been increased to 1.7mls 3 times a day.

I think they work it out as 1mg per kg of body weight minimum dose and going up to 3mg per kg maximum dose for 6mnths and under. Then it goes up to 2mg per kg at over 7mnth.

but how you work the mg into mls i have no idea! haha
He is on 0.8ml three times a day!

I've bought SMA Staydown to try him on, hate the C&G xx

Tired Mummy to Colby Jacques born 4/2/2013
My daughter was on enfamil for a while for her severe reflux. It worked for a while then she started to refuse feeds point blank. Long story short is she not only has terrible reflux she is cmpa. I hated the smell of the milk. Was like stinky cabbage. Its hard to say if it helped or not. But she is now on nutramigen2 and omeprazole and domperidone but she can still be very sick.

Out of interest, enfamil and sma staydown are exactly the same and borh can be given on prescription. The only difference is enfamil is in a small tin so sma is better value. Xx

Thanx Gayle, the Staydown is helping with the sick, but I can hear the acid coming up into his throat constantly, he gets really stressed by it, plus his skin is terrible and he is constantly snotty, I wonder if he is intolerant! The ranitidine isn't doing anything!
We have a paeds appointment, but not until 20th June!!!

Tired Mummy to Colby Jacques born 4/2/2013
Snotty can be a symptom of intolerance. Any way of calling the hospital up and saying your desperate and will take a cancellation? I have always found ours to be more than helpful. Although im now on first name terms with them all!! Hope they can see you soon. Its really hard seeing the little ones in pain
We honestly suffered 6 months. Was horrific. Every meal time was suxh a stress. But all the other parts of the day she was the perfect child. Xxx

I have intolerances to wheat, egg and fructose, and it's horrible, hate to see him suffer, thank you so much for the advice Hun xxx

Tired Mummy to Colby Jacques born 4/2/2013

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