Emotional !!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I've had the day from hell so far today!! I've been off sick from work with nausea & dizziness, and rang my doctors on wednesday to get an appointment for my 24/25 wk check up. I was told by the receptionist that they were doing major renovations at the doctors surgery and they have no appointments for 2 weeks!! I then told her that I've been off sick from work, need a doctors line, and also my 24 wk checkup. She then told me to ring fri morn, and I could definitely see a locum doctor then. So I rang first thing this morning, only to be rudely asked by another receptionist why I was told I could just ring up and get an appointment?! I told her what I had been told on wednesday by the other receptionist, and she just said , well we are extremely busy, I'll take your number and see if the doctor can fit you in!!!
So I waited about an hour for the doctor to ring me, who was quite cheeky, and I sort of felt like she was telling me off!! She said that she could see me for 5 minutes, and would only take my blood pressure, and in future I was to make sure I ring the doctor well in advance!!! So already stressed out and getting more and more emotional, I went to the doctor, waited half an hour, even though there was only myself and another girl in the waiting room. Doctor checked my blood pressure which was ok, asked me had I felt baby move......but didnt even check my tummy, listen to heart beat or do any other checks. I left with a sick line, and another lecture from her telling me not to sit at home worrying, and next time if Im feeling ill to book an appointment well in advance!!!!!! I really dont know what she/they expected me to do, predict that I was going to be sick!?

Sorry for the long rant, but I am so emotional right now, and feeling so stressed about it all. When my OH came to pick me up after my appointment I just burst into tears and couldnt stop crying! I havent even had my 24 wk check up, and by the sound of it I wont be getting it. Im not sure what happens in other areas in UK regarding antenatal checkups? Im under shared care which means I get appointments with both my doctors practice and the hospital.
Awww that sounds horrible. It amazes me how unpleasant and rude some doctors can be, you get used to it from receptionists as the one thing that seems to get them employed is a nasty attitude. The doctor you saw sounds unprofessional and I'd be upset to go through that. I entirely understand why you're feeling upset by it. With my midwife when I see her she immediately books me in for my next appointment so I don't have to call and make them myself iwth the receptionists. I think I must be quite lucky with my situation.
I hope next time you have to deal with them they're nicer to you and I really hope you feel a bit less upset by it soon. You should have a chilled out night and just relax and take your mind off the day :) xx
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I had a terrible doc for my 1st 3 pregnancies which all resulted in mc. His attitude was go home and get on with it. 26 weeks preg now with a new doc and much happier! But emotion wise I cry off and on all the time for no reason!! At least we can blame the hormones

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