

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Has anyone else not actually met their midwife yet? I don't think I'll be seeing mine until 28wk appointment. Im a bit confused with all these appointments, as it seems to vary so much in different areas!! I kinda feel like I've been abandoned!! lol.
I'm under shared care between my gp and hospital, and so far have only had my booking appointment at the hospital, 18 wk appointment with gp, and 20 wk scan at hospital. My 25 wk GP appointment was a bit of a disaster, as my doctors surgery is being refurbished and they only had 2 doctors available, so I was 'told off' by the receptionist and doctor for not ringing 2 weeks before to make my appointment!!! The doctor then not so nicely snapped that she would only be checking my blood pressure!! Luckily I have a doppler and can check babys heart beat myself!!!

Does anyone know what happens at the 28wk appointment?

at my 28 week appot I had more blood taken and my bump was measured also heard heartbeat and urine tested x
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I've had two appointments at the hospital - my booking appointment and 16w appointment and both were with different midwives?

My 25w will be at the GP surgery and 28w back at hospital (I am also shared care!)

So as of yet no I haven't met "my" midwife? Who knows maybe I'll see someone different each time?

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At my hospital we are assigned a midwife team so you can see any one of about 4 different mw's. It's nice to keep seeing the same ones as you really build a rapport and get to know each other, I think it depends on your hospital/area though.
I'm lucky in that we have a midwife led unit, so I have always een my midwifee at every appointment, which is great cause I feel so much more relaxed having actually gotten to know my midwife x

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