Email from Bounty about signs of labour


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Just got this email and I am concerned about the number of these I have:

In the week or so before labour you may notice:

An increase in vaginal discharge. (check!)

The appearance of the ‘show’, the jelly like plug of mucus that seals the cervix during pregnancy. (have had a small amount)

A need to get things finished and ready – the so-called ‘nesting instinct’. (check!)

Feeling quite emotional; crying for no real reason as your hormones get to you. (very much so!)

A sense that you don’t want to be far from home. (check- hence not wanting to be at work)

A mild dose of diarrhoea. This is Nature’s way of clearing out your lower bowel before labour begins.

Braxton Hicks contractions that feel like tightening or period pains. (check!)

How many do you have?
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Blimey! I woke up in the night with a huge braxtons followed my loose bowels (TMI) x
All except the diaorrhea x
Increased discharge and emotional for me. Feels like i've wet myself tonight!
Only 1 yay!! Little man's staying put for at least another 4 weeks even if I have to put a plug between my legs lol
I want a plug way is he coming anytime soon. I want to at least make it to 37 weeks! lol
have all except vaginal discharge increase :). Im sooo ready for her to come, doc said she wouldnt make it past 33 weeks cause of my pre term history but she did. :)

wouldnt mind if she comes or stays though.
the discharge is minging! i have loads! feels so dirty :(
well 6/7 signs aint bad , is it too much to hope for that i go into labour naturally in the next couple of days to avoid being induced friday?? lol
That would be none for me! lol! Even though baby is engaged...

I was talking with my Mum, though, the other day and she says she didn't get any Braxton Hicks, so I guess there's a strong chance I won't.
ok, so i'm what 27 weeks and have 4 of those for defrinate and at least another 1 of those on the odd occasion....scary!! especially as have been to doctors today who has told me to take it easy and to go to hospital if pains get any worse lol

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