Advice - signs of labour?


Jun 15, 2005
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Will I definately know when I'm in labour? I am due on Monday but for the last 2 nights have been waking up with constant stomache ache which disappears when i get up and walk around but comes back when I lie down. The baby is still moving about quite a lot and my stomache is very solid and I keep getting uncomfortable cramps round the middle of my bump. I haven't had any braxton hicks at all during pregnancy so cannot compare them to when the real thing happens. My husband is away for a few days - a two hour drive - and I am terrified that it will arrive in the night and he won't get home in time because I haven't recognised the signs of labour. everyone keeps saying"oh you will know when its labour" but what if I don't? Any advice appreciated! x

I had contractions on and off for a week before i went into proper labour. I know they were contractions now but at the time I wasnt sure. When my labour started i was 10 days overdue and it was at 2:23am and I had a big stomach cramp and a bloody show (and also a big pooh) lol

I called the hospital and they said to have a bath which i did. My contractions were 5 mins apart from the start. After a while my contractions were closer together, 3 mins apart, and more painful so i rang the hospital again and they said to come in for some pain relief.

I really did know my labour had started when the big contraction woke me up. Its funny but when you know its started the excitement cancels out the fear. It did for me anyway!

Good luck

Lou :)
It's so hard to say as everyone is different. In my case, I had braxton hicks from fairly early on. These were mostly tightenings of the uterus which were usually painless, though sometimes a bit uncomfortable.

Like you, I was worried that I woudln't know when I was in labour, but I can honestly say that when my contractions started I immediately knew I was in labour - it was nothing like braxton hicks. My stomach still contracted but my focus was more on the pain - it wasn't like anything I'd felt before and as my EDD was only a week away I knew it couldn't have been anything else. And I knew it from the very first contraction!

I did have mild period pains for a few days before I went into labour, and I also lost my mucous plug the day before I went into labour - again everyone is different and not everyone has these 'warning' signs.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but good luck

Thanks guys. Guess I'll just wait it out and see what happens. Think I am more tense knowing hubby is away. He starts a new job tomorrow (great timing huh!) and has to be away for a few days and I don't want to call him back for a false alarm but on the other hand don't want to convince myself it's not labour and risk him not getting here in time. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefull she will be able to put my mind at rest. Am getting more and more niggly pains but that's probably down to me worrying too much! x
Dont worry Fee your not the only one - I worry about this too. My hospital is just over half an hour away (and thats by ambulance and flashing lights!!) so Im worried that I may leave it too late or be totally paranoid and be getting myself down there long before I actually need to!!!!!!!

L x
Hi again

I opted to go to a hospital further away than my local hospital because it offered a better standard of care in my opinion. This caused me alot of worry while I was pregnant and I stressed big time about not having enough time to get there. As it turned out the drive there was exciting and I felt very calm and almost like I just knew my body was in no rush. I felt no sense of urgency like I thought I would. My boyfriend even had to stop to fill up the petrol tank and when we got to the car park at the hospital I even posed for a photo! lol

Even though I had an epidural I still felt the urge to push and it felt like lots of pressure in my back passage so I reckon as long as you don't have feelings to push then you probably don't need to rush around. The hospital ask you questions when you call them before you go in so they will tell you when to come to the hospital and what to do in the meantime.

I am only five minutes (ten in heavy traffic) from the hospital so should make it there - have got three friends who all live very close who are on standby to be with me whilst hubby gets back home - I just so don't want him to miss it. Never thought I'd ask this but has anyone any tips on how to prolong labour if need be? x
Hi Fee, we sound quiet a like at the moment, my OH is working away and i too am worried about getting him home just to then realise it was a false alarm! Im due the 5th so a day before you, and im also worried i wont recognise the 'real thing'
I have decided i want to stay at home for as long as possible any hows, so i have decided that ill only call OH when im totally sure. Im also sure it'll be a 30 hour labour too, so fingers crossed he'll be home in plenty of time! lol.
good luck for the next couple of days/weeks (??!)

I too was in early labour a few days before i didnt knwo but now i do, then my waters broke and ended up getting induced, everyone is different but it is possible but it could be a week before anything actually hapopens.
Good luck

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