Signs of approaching labor

Oh yes definitely lol!
I think we should write our labour signs on this thread lol! If Nadine doesn't mind as it is her thread :)
I have just been on my birthing ball for half an hour and got alot of (TMI) sticky discharge stuff after! Come on baby Lacey... i need you out lol. xxx

Nope I think it's brill idea, spesh for us ladies not as far as ur selfs.,,,, it will give me things to look
Out for nearer the time x x x
Well at the moment my babies head is right in between my ribs n that is making me feel seriously sick!!!! I have a few of those symptoms but im deffo hoping I dont go into labour anytime soon with a bum first baby. I hated gas and air coz it makes you feel drunk n I was sick a lot (i dont drink ever coz I hate feeling drunk tho) so if ya dont mind feeling drunk you will love it lol x
Well my 'symptoms' at the moment is just bad pains low down in back an pressure pains on my bits both when I'm standing and on my ball. No pattern to them though - they just take my breath away when they come. Also lots of discharge TMI!!

Well my 'symptoms' at the moment is just bad pains low down in back an pressure pains on my bits both when I'm standing and on my ball. No pattern to them though - they just take my breath away when they come. Also lots of discharge TMI!!


Haha hoo I'm like a slug on salt at mo it's ridiculers hahaha x
Can I just ask - and this is a tmi question - but is typical discharge watery or thicker?! I've been finding I've got such watery discharge sometimes I think I might have peed a little bit! Had to start using pantyliners; I'm 99% sure I'm not peeing myself!

Also have all of the above symptoms apart from the dilating - got to be too early for me though!
Can I just ask - and this is a tmi question - but is typical discharge watery or thicker?! I've been finding I've got such watery discharge sometimes I think I might have peed a little bit! Had to start using pantyliners; I'm 99% sure I'm not peeing myself!

Also have all of the above symptoms apart from the dilating - got to be too early for me though!

Mines watery hehehe

When I get up after being in bed all night n walk about say 5 mins I'll feel like I've pee'd my self, but it's discharge, I av run loo n sort it fast, it's bad lol x
Hmm interesting! Well I've defo got the increased discharge, and KBrady and Nadine mine is watery too. Was in hairdressers yesterday and felt sooo wet like I'd wet myself! Had a pad on but was dreading standing up coz of the leathery chairs!!! Luckily it was all clear!

My pubic bone/area is awful. I'm really like a granny getting out of bed for toilet trips at night an first thing in the morning. It's terrible. I do get the odd really uncomfortable pain like someone is sticking a needle in my foof! As for Braxton hicks I'm not exactly sure if I've had them. Most days my tummy goes solid for a while and I can feel when it happens but they're not regular and don't hurt. And finally increased energy is a defo. Decided to paint my bedroom windowsill and radiator the day before yesterday... This led to a full blown decorating session! The skirting boards, walls, ceiling, door... everywhere! Paid for it yesterday though.

We are doing a full on decorating too but I'm not allowed to do anything. OH is worried about fumes etc. Was just allowed to paint around the mirror and that was it. Got sent back to my ball. Lol. I don't mind though - I have grown quite attached to my ball. Getting pressure feelings on my cervix now that are kind of rippling across to my back every now and then. Strange!

right well i have

increased discharge/ bits of plug
mad increase of energy(hence my writing this at 5.30. can't sleep cos too busy thinking of stuff that i feel needs doing but really doesnt)
pains in foof alot
tightenings on bump quite often
back ache/period type pains

the list seems endless at the minute. whether it all amounts to anything i dont know. keep getting the urge to lean forwards though cos of pain and pressure. xxx
My signs yestoday...
Thought it was it and i would be in labour by now but NOOO!!!
Period pains on and off when i went to bed, feels like i have a weight in my bits!
Lost a blob of plug, i am sure it was plug as it was like glue!!! TMI yuk!!
Pressure, the usual pains that lead to NOTHING!
Ahhh xxx

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