Ellies hosptial journey


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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hi girls thought that Id add a wee journal about Ellies progress if anything just to get it all of my chest.... I will add as much as I can remember up til now and then update daily

my pregnancy was not good from week 20 at our scan they detected that Ellie wasnt gtowing properly and they also couldnt se inside her brain, so we were transferred to the fetal medicine unit at southern general hospital in Glasow and was told there that she might have a rare chromosome problem being either Edwards syndrome or Pacauds syndrome where one of them she would die in the womb before birth and the other she would survive birth but live anything from a minute to a year but have severe disabilys maybe even severe physical problems. or I might have picked up a viral infection and passed it on or that the placenta wasnt working, but we were advised to have an amnio to find out if there was a chromosome problems all came back clear and so did the blood tests for the viral infection, so it was down to the placenta not working properly. I had to have a scan every week and was told that every week I carried Ellie was a bonus, so to get to 35 weeks was fab!!!!

Ellie was born on the 6th Nov at 12.38pm and weighed 4lb 3oz, she was delivered by planned section due IUGR and on the 5th a doppler scan had showed that the blood flow from my placenta to Ellie had started to decrease and they estimated her weight to be just under 3lb

Ellie was taken to the special care unit and placed in an incubator where she stayed til the 15th Nov (her daddys) birthday and was moved to an open cot, she was then moved to a water bed a day later as she was not keeping her body temperature up. the reason she was in the incubator for so long was because she had picked up an infection and was very very poorly and had to have blood test a urine test and also a lumbar puncture to check what sort of infectio she had, nothing was standing out but they gave her a 5 days course of anti biotics to cover most things, the difference after a few days was unbelievable

Ellies weight dropped to 3lb 3oz but she is back upto 3lb 11oz and gets weighed on a Mon Wed and Fri.

She was tube fed til 14th Nov every 2 hours and it started at 0.5ml every 2 hours and the milk was incresed my 0.5ml every 2 hours and she is now on 38ml every 3 hours and gets 2 - 3 feeds from a bottle a day (my milk expressed) this is the latest update and I will update daily from now on, please feel free to ask any questions specially if you are in a similar situation,

thanks girls xx

19th Nov

went to see Ellie today and spent the whole day from half 11 til half 7 with her ( except for 2 hours when I sneaked away to Kilmarnock for some new clothes for me!!) anyway she is fed every 3 hours alternating from tube one feed and bottle next feed, but the star managed 3 bottle feeds in a row today at 12noon, 3 and 6 so she done well, we had plenty of cuddles and awake time where she just lay so content looking around her or listening to everything I was saying, her daddy and sister and my brother had a visit at 6 too so she has had a busy day. She is up to 3lb 12oz so gained 1oz since Wed, not great but better than nothing. She is also getting moved from the water bed to a big cot over the weekend, so she is doing good.

20th Nov
spent most the day with Ellie until the midwife actually sent us home!!! saying we do too much lol. so she is upto 40ml every 3 hours and is now 2 teat to 1 tube every 3 hours, had an eventful day she peed everywhere when her daddy changed her got her changed and daddy had a cuddle while I went and got my bloods done to check my hemoglobin levels and whilst I was gine she had to be changed again as she was sick everywhere lol, but no she is doing really good xx

21st Nov
spent a few hours with Ellie this afternoon and she is tolerating the 3 hourly feeds, too well infact as she is now screaming for more food after 2 hours, which is a good sign she also got unhooked from all the monitors today which means we are wire free and not sto restricted to be right next to her cot, so it is just a matter of weight gain and establishing these feeds, weighed in the am so hopefully she has gained xx
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So glad Ellie is doing so well Hun , will be checking back here on her progress over the next few weeks X
aw im happy she is pickin up on her weight again n doin better bless her! xx
so glad she is doing better keep us posted on her progress x
So pleased she's putting weight on hon - u must be a very proud mummy!! x x x
I am so glad she is doing well hun, keep thinking positive xxx
So glad she is showing so much improvement Claire, hope she keeps it up and is home soon!!
sorry I havent been updating but she is just coming along to quick, she is on full teat feeds every 3 to 4 hours and upto 4lb 3oz again and should be home next week xx
Fantastic news Claire, she's doing so well. Hope you're all keeping well. xxxx
thats fantastic once she's home you'll have to put some pics for us to coo over xx
Wondeeful news- having a baby in scbu is so hard but taking them home is the most magical feeling ever. Xx

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