Ellie Faith Campbell - 6th Nov - 12.38pm - 4lb 3oz

congrats hun, ellie faith is a lovely name, sounds like she's a little fighter, she'll be home before you know it xxxx
congratulations lets hope she is out of the incubator soon xx
thanks everyone went into see her this afternoon and she managed to take some milk out a bottle, then got lazy lol and she comes off her drip tomorrow night if all goes well xx
congrats hun glad she is doing well x
So glad things keep getting better for you hon, she sounds like such a little fighter :). Hope she keeps going from strength to strength & is home soon xxx
Beautiful name hon and hoping she's home safe and sound with u soon x x x
Oh, huge congratulations! Bless her, she sounds like a right little fighter!
Hopefully she will be able to come home soon - fx xxxxxxx
Congratulations Claire , she does sound like she is doing well to be trying a bottle already, great news!
hope she piles on the weight, shakes the infection and getgs out of the box asap and home with you soon,
sorry your section was a nightmare with the pain relief, but all over now Hun and it did the job for your little Ellie X

Do you have any piccys, or polaroids of her in scubu you can post, I would love to see her
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hi girls Ellie is off the drips and taking a bottle feed every 6 hours and a tube feed in between and she is out her incubator!!!!

im not sure how to upload pictures how do i do it xx
Brilliant news!

I'm on my phone but from memory is it 'manage attachments' at the bottom? Or maybe if you click on advanced reply rather than the quick one it will give you the option? X
hi girls Ellie is off the drips and taking a bottle feed every 6 hours and a tube feed in between and she is out her incubator!!!!

im not sure how to upload pictures how do i do it xx

Whoop whoop!!! Go Ellie xxx
Emma dont talk to me lol your getting more sleep than me at night ya witch lol. but Alfie is adorable xx
Congratulations hun! So glad Ellie is doing well! :yay: x x
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