Ellie meets Seren, Beanie meets Peggy


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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As most of you will know Beanie is now the proud owner of peggy the kitty.

And Seren met my neice Ellie.

Sorry the pics arnt great.

yeyyy im happy!! :D

OoOoH sHoEs!! :eek:

Take my hand :wave: :


Peggy in the middle:

oooooooooooo the pussies are gorgeous! :cheer: you won't have a lot of problem getting homes for them!
Awwww I want one still, damn Mark!!

It's so nice for lots of us meeting up, I loe our little community.

Hope Peggy is settling in well Shona (beanie)! xxx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I wasn't expecting these tonight. God what do I look like (though will have to text sis and tell her she's famous).

I was so stressed as I got so lost going to Cassi's mum's house, ended up miles away :D It is so weird to see Peggy on the photos as it feels like she has been here for ages (she has taken over the house).

oh lovely pics and what a cute kitty
Awww lovely pics, nice to see you again Shona :D

Seren's looking gorgeous as ever and I love the cute kittens!
Peggy loves the computor, keeps trying to bat the curser. Here is a message from her to you Cassi

v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv dddxccmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
So are you having more of Cassi pussies then Beanie? I see Sami is having one now, you and your pussy talk, it's catching!
my sis is having 2. She only came down to see Seren haha. But she is very excited about getting her new cats.
Is that you holding the kitten in the first pic Beanie? Or your sister?

If its you then you only look about 11 years old :shock: (even younger than Sami :wink: )
Lynds is holding Seren, I am the one in the background with my kitty
beanie said:
Lynds is holding Seren, I am the one in the background with my kitty

Gosh you do look really young then!!! :eek:
i couldnt fit on the camera :rotfl:

Hello Peggy, thanks for the message :D

Yep Thats all the kittens provisionally taken now.

Beanie has her peggy :D
Lyndsey will have either pork chop/weakling & punk (have emailed you Shona :) )

And Sami will have Mr ginger hopefully :D

And we are hoping to keep one :pray:
Yay, congrats on your new kitten Shona!!!!! Proper little cutie! Seren is going to be up to so much mischief!! Bless her!

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