either diappeared or changed the name

ohh u know wot i hate most wen they change old cartoons

the remake of ones like bill and ben (used to waych em religiously wen i was a kid) aint the same, and thay shud bring back rainbow and the moomins and the poddington peas

god aint i sad :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sparkles ice lollies and savoury cheese flavour snaps, where are they??
what happened to chocolate sherbet? it was really finely ground chocolate, oh that was sooooo nice!!
it was nice, what happened to milky ways that were brown in the middle!!!
Do you remember when KitKats etc were made by Rowntrees - it seemed really funny when Nestle bought them out. Also about the same time the pronunciation of Nestle (which was always pronounced 'nessel' in the ads) changed to sound more European ('nestlay'). Seemed so stupid to me as a child!!

Not quite the same thing I know.

Now onto famous disappearing acts. Whatever happened to the fruity polos - I haven't seen them for ages....!

I agree with first time daddy on the Fuse bar issue - one of the best choccie bars Cadbury's ever did - now you hardly ever see them. Perhaps we should form a l
remember the ice lolly zoom? i loved them! 3 a day, maybe i ate them out of stock!!!!!!!
STOP THE THREAD! My local shop sells fruit polos!!!! they are amazing and daddy- potato puffs are still readily available at my local co-op!!! We used to eat them with a spoon!

Ok you can start the thread again :)

There is a sweet shop in the New Forest that sells every single old time sweet you can think of! Sherbet dips, Bazooka bubble gum, traffic lights, white mice, fish and chips, you name it!

But...whatever happened to jubbley's? (triangle fruit ice lollies) or the little plastic tubs of nutella? or chocolate lovelies? or haunted house ice lollies? or bacon and bean piglets (similar to potato puffs) ? ...I could go on all day (because i am old) lol

lou :)
Ohhh the shop by me sells well now an again the little tibs of nutela, i used to buy loads of em, dnt know y the jus tasted nicer in a little tub, lol. And i had two boxes yeah two i am gredy aint i, of jubliies, and aint lond finishd scoffing them all, lol.
And zooms, are they the rockets loolies right, well if they are the ice cream van still sells em that cums downn my street.
Its amazing we still have our own teeth the amount of crappy sweets we used to eat as kids.

(Well I have all my own teeth anyway)

lou :)
first.time.daddy said:
calm down charlie dimmock

Ohhhh ill give ya charlie Dimmock boy :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Ohh I still got my own teeth to. i think :?: *checks jus in case* yep i def have, god well thats one good thing then.

Ohhh jus rememberd, vice versas ohh i love em, they still do em, but its like a mission to get em, sometimes i can then they disapear for ages and ages. ohhh makes me mad. :lol: :lol:

bec x x x

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