Early pregnancy symptoms check list


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Not to be taken too seriously, just a checklist I found on a site for a bit of fun really. I get excited when I read something I have lol

Have you got any of these?? :)

Early pregnancy symptoms include:
Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Frequent Urination
Breast Tenderness
Tiredness YES
Missed Period
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Mood Swings/ Irritability YES
Heartburn/ Indigestion
Changes in Complexion YES
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge YES
Weight Loss
Cramping YES
Backache YES
Enhanced Sense of Taste
Vaginal Changes
This is what I'm experiencing:

Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell Yes
Frequent Urination Yes
Breast Tenderness
Tiredness Yes
Missed Period Yes - 4 days late but BFN
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Mood Swings/ Irritability Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion
Changes in Complexion Yes
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge Yes
Weight Loss
Cramping Yes
Backache Yes
Headaches Yes
Enhanced Sense of Taste Yes
Vaginal Changes Yes
Is it possible to have a bfn when your 4 days late and still be pregnant? My only experience of this was that I got a bfp when I was 8dpo
I was trying soo hard not to SS but this looked too good to miss lol

Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Frequent Urination
Breast Tenderness YES
Tiredness YES
Missed Period
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Mood Swings/ Irritability YES
Heartburn/ Indigestion
Changes in Complexion YES
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge YES
Weight Loss
Cramping YES
Backache YES
Enhanced Sense of Taste
Vaginal Changes

Looks promising but i bet a check list of symptoms for AF would look pretty similar but i hope i have got some EP symptoms

Good luck ladies

I was trying soo hard not to SS but this looked too good to miss lol

Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Frequent Urination
Breast Tenderness YES
Tiredness YES
Missed Period
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Mood Swings/ Irritability YES
Heartburn/ Indigestion YES
Changes in Complexion YES
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge YES
Weight Loss
Cramping YES
Backache YES
Enhanced Sense of Taste
Vaginal Changes

Looks promising but i bet a check list of symptoms for AF would look pretty similar but i hope i have got some EP symptoms

Good luck ladies

Ah love it PP thanks for this thread....lol xxx

Nausea/ Vomiting Queasiness yessss
Enhanced Sense of Smell With Perfume only
Frequent Urination Yup
Breast Tenderness HELL YESSS Especially around the sides towards nipples!
Tiredness At times
Missed Period looking like I may be two days late....Im awaiting the lovely ladies on here to confirm!
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Mood Swings/ Irritability YES
Heartburn/ Indigestion
Changes in Complexion Couple pimples
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge Very creamy
Weight Loss
Cramping YES like AF might arrive at any time! Grrrrrr
Backache A bit
Headaches Had one today actually
Enhanced Sense of Taste
Vaginal Changes

Oh lord forgive me....the Symptom Spotting has started..... :) xxx
I normally try not SS, but here we go, lol

Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Frequent Urination Yes
Breast Tenderness
Tiredness Yes
Missed Period I think so, but got a BFN at either 5days late or 2days late
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting
Constipation A little
Mood Swings/ Irritability Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion
Changes in Complexion Yes
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge Yes
Weight Loss
Cramping Yes
Backache Yes
Enhanced Sense of Taste
Vaginal Changes Havent checked
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The symptoms i had between 4 - 7 weeks :lol:

Nausea/ Vomiting - I had lotsa queeziness but only vomited twice!
Enhanced Sense of Smell
- Yep very much so!!!
Frequent Urination - Yes (every 2 hours during the night!)
Breast Tenderness - VERY
Tiredness - Bed early yes but daytime tirdness no...
Missed Period - I found out about 4 days before the witch was due to land.
Light Bleeding - Nope
Dizziness/ Fainting - Very slight dizyness not major though.
Constipation - Agonzing IBS which actually prompted me to take the pregger test!
Mood Swings/ Irritability - Im naturally a moody cow anyway hahaha!
Heartburn/ Indigestion - Not as yet
Changes in Complexion - I have spots along my jawline and dry flaky skin patches .. my looks have gone out the window!
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge - Aye plenty of egg white!
Weight Loss - No but i did have a loss of appitite
Cramping - Yes like AF pains for a week or so but no AF and it wasnt due
Backache - Siatica in bum, back and legs (not mega painful tho just cramps)
Headaches - Only these past few days
Enhanced Sense of Taste - Nope
Vaginal Changes - Channel tunnel :whistle:
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Just highlight the section you want and right click for copy, then go to your box where you type your reply and right click then paste - edit the answers to suit you.
Hope that helps!
This is what I'm experiencing:

Nausea/ Vomiting.been feeling very sick especially when travelling
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Frequent Urination Yes 2/3 times per hour
Breast TendernessNo
Tiredness Im exhausted!
Missed Period No
Light BleedingNo
Dizziness/ Fainting No
Mood Swings/ Irritability yup
Heartburn/ IndigestionNo
Changes in Complexion YesGrrr spots
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge slightly
Weight Loss-Never!
Cramping Yes very low down and dull
Backache Yes
Headaches Yes
Enhanced Sense of Taste Kind of
Vaginal Changes Yes
With me between :bd: and :bfp:

Nausea/ Vomiting
Enhanced Sense of Smell
- Yes
Frequent Urination - Yes had to get up in the night which I rarely do
Breast Tenderness - Yes
Tiredness - Yes and I am a night owl :)
Missed Period - Yes.
Light Bleeding - Some brown spotting on the sat 5 days prior to bfp
Dizziness/ Fainting - Very slight dizyness
Mood Swings/ Irritability - OMG Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion - Yessssss
Changes in Complexion - I have spots along my jawline
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge - Yes
Weight Loss
Cramping - Yes like AF pains
Backache - Yes
Headaches - Yes
Enhanced Sense of Taste - No
Vaginal Changes
Oh Smess - stop confusing me! (easily done mind)
I just read this whole thread without notticing the old months dates on the posts, and was getting excited that Wilma, Bonny and MrsB all seemed to have late AF's!!

Good luck SS this month girls
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Nausea/ Vomiting Yes,on and off all day
Enhanced Sense of Smell

Frequent Urination Yes
Breast Tenderness Yes
Tiredness Yes
Missed Period
Light Bleeding
Dizziness/ Fainting Yes
Constipation No but def different bowel habits tmi
Mood Swings/ Irritability Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion Yes
Changes in Complexion
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge Yes
Weight Loss
Cramping Yes
Backache Yes but puttin it down to sittin on a dining chair for 4 hours last night
Headaches Yes but that seems to be normal atm
Enhanced Sense of Taste Yes
Vaginal Changes Yes
It's good to see all the symptoms written down but still trying not to get my hopes up!

Nausea/ Vomiting - Yes on & off all day
Enhanced Sense of Smell - Yes
Frequent Urination - Yes In the day
Breast Tenderness - not really but they nips are darker & veiny
Tiredness - Earlier in the evening than normal
Missed Period - Yes 5 days late now
Light Bleeding - No
Dizziness/ Fainting - No
Constipation - Yes but very windy
Mood Swings/ Irritability - Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion - No
Changes in Complexion - lots of spots on chin
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge - not really
Weight Loss - No more hungry if anything
Cramping - Did have but stopped now
Backache - No
Headaches - No
Enhanced Sense of Taste - Yes couldn't eat salt & vinager crisps yesterday, they made me feel sick! And I love any crisps.
Vaginal Changes - None that I can tell but no idea about how to check cervix

That's quite a few, can't help but wonder!!

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