Early pregnancy symptoms check list

Nausea/ Vomiting - Yes nausea in waves
Enhanced Sense of Smell - Yes my apple scented kitchen cleaner is making me wretch
Frequent Urination - not really i pee all the time anyway
Breast Tenderness - yes they feel heavy and ache nipples sensitive
Tiredness - very
Missed Period - no
Light Bleeding - No
Dizziness/ Fainting -a little dizzy
Constipation - Yes
Mood Swings/ Irritability - Yes
Heartburn/ Indigestion - No
Changes in Complexion - no
Increased Cervical Mucous/ Vaginal Discharge - not really
Weight Loss - No more hungry if anything
Cramping - on and off
Backache - yep
Headaches - No
Enhanced Sense of Taste - no.
Vaginal Changes - unaware

Please let it be
Oh Smess - stop confusing me! (easily done mind)
I just read this whole thread without notticing the old months dates on the posts, and was getting excited that Wilma, Bonny and MrsB all seemed to have late AF's!!

Good luck SS this month girls

Ahhh I hope this is a sign JJ....fingers crossed!

This has been the LONGEST time from AF leaving to us getting to the 2ww THEN I HAVE TO ACTUALLY WAIT the 2WW out! GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............xxx
Mmmmmm just been back tracking.....Im due to ov tomorrow...been opking since day 8...Now day 11!
Opk just now a lot stronger so I guess Im about to ov tomorrow as predicted.....HOWEVER....Ive had no signs of OV so far apart for a few twinges in ovary area yest but no sore boobs yet....hoping thats a good thing althou know I wont even have concieved yet but will be SS once Ov day is over!!

Also were back to Ovulation from the left side again....I get very definate twinges from alternitive sides each month and know which side I ovd from and I also Ov from the left side when I got preg in March....so although its a long shot Im hoping and keeping everything crossed!

When I was DX with endometriosis in 99.....I was told they had to remove some tissue and a cyst from one of my ovaries.....but I cant remember which one it was....and obvisouly till Jan I havent TTC in the previous years....so who knows!

I know Im prob clutching at straws but you know how it is..........xxx
Not to be taken too seriously, just a checklist I found on a site for a bit of fun really. I get excited when I read something I have lol

Have you got any of these?? :)

nausea/ vomiting - no
enhanced sense of smell - very!
frequent urination - yes 2-3 per hour
breast tenderness -VERY
missed period - yes, i am currently 2 and a half weeks late.
light bleeding -no
dizziness / fainting - no
constipation - yes sometimes get rather painful
mood swings/irritability - yes, I've noticed allot of things that normally didn't bother me now really annoy me.
heartburn/ indigestion -no
changes in complexion - yes SPOTS! and slightly paler.
increased cervical mucus/ vaginal discharge - yes.
weight loss- no
cramping - no
backache- yes but only slight.
headache - yes
enhanced sense of taste - yes, some food i usually love i now find revolting and visor verser.
vaginal changes - just the discharge so far...

i have been pregnant before, and had a miscarage at 8 weeks, and i now feel pregnant again, any opinions???? please help!!! xxx :) :?
I am really really hoping I am pregnant!!! Last period was in Nov, I think I spotted last month since my period only lasted about 30 minutes. I really hope I am!!!

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