early pregnancy scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I have decided that I would like one and can't get it on nhs so hubby and I have booked in privately on july 15th when I will be about 7 weeks. What happens at these scans and what info can they get?
It's very basic stuff. We got one at 9 weeks. But it wasn't good news for my wife:-( they check the size and check for a heartbeat. It's good to put your mind at rest.

My wife is pregnant again (11w today). Because of the previous miscarriage, we got 2 early scans on the NHS. 8w and 10w.

Good luck!

I had a scan today which put me at 7w1d. They saw baby and measured it, saw a heartbeat and they checked both my ovaries. Summary said: "normal intrauterine pregnancy"
I am excited :) been feeling crappy all day so this cheered me up.
We booked our early scan for the 8th July - I'm hoping it will stop me pancking all the time
Same stumpy he he its not much to pay really for that piece of mind
Can i be really nosy and ask how much you are paying for private scan?
I had an early scan due to bleeding, it was so reassuring! Even tho it was stil way to early to see much, it was still nice just to see the sac and the flicker of a heartbeat.

It'll be worth it xxx
Well done - great news Mrs MC - you will love it X
I had an early scan at 6 weeks and we saw our tiny baby with a strong heartbeat. They also measured crown to rump as they call it. They also checked my ovaries too and that was that. Great peace of mind just cant wait till next one now to make sure everything is progressing. xxxx

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