early maternity - giving in :-(


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi guys

I could really do with some advice :-(

things have suddenly became hard overnight in my pregnancy, I've gone from being ok to heartburn, leg cramps, anemia and another urnine inf all making work rather unbearable. I have a long commute and I go to work with headaches - take pills - and drink caffeine (not more than the amount we are allowed tho) to get me through the day. I am weeopy at work and have been making mistakes. The last week i was in work I got virtually no sleep for 4 days in a row, I went to the doc saying I could not cope and she signed me off a week.

Last night I was planning on returning to work and ended up throwing up with anxiety and had no sleep.

My hubbie thinks I should consider early maternity as I am not due to go off until 30march, i feel like a failiure and a wuss and half of me thinks I should just push myself and stop being so soft...

I really hoped to work as long as possible as i want to spend time with the baby at the other end but I'm really struggling.

Anyone else in the same boat and when did you guys finish up for maternity leave ?

I was going to finish at 36 weeks but have been feeling the strain for two weeks now and yesterday (at 34 weeks) the doc signed me off. And I work from home!!

If you need to finish early then don't beat yourself up, sounds like you've not got it easy.
I wouldn't look at it as giving in. Your body's telling you to slow down and you should listen. I think you should go on maternity leave early, have a word with your work and see if they can waive the 28 days notice you normally have to give, otherwise have a chat with your doctor.
There are no prizes for working till near your due date and burning yourself out before baby's even here. You should put your feet up and have a well earned rest :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm leaving at 34 weeks, and I only work 21 hours a week!
I'm in a similar situation - I have pelvic girdle pain (what used to be known as SPD) and it is getting worse. I have been signed off for this week and next and I thought without working things would improve but they haven't :(

However, I have no intention of moving my maternity leave forward as that ultimately means less money for me. I will attempt to go back and if I can't I will get signed off again and again until I can either go back or my maternity leave starts. In my case thhat's 20th March.

You're not a failure!!!!!!!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Get signed off though rather than using up maternity leave.
Awwwwwww Gemma, poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I really think you should think about bringing your maternity leave date forward. I know you will miss a few weeks at the end of it with your baby, but you sound so tired, it is important to look after yourself now, whilst your body is at its most vulnerable.
You are certainly not a failure!! I gave up at 29 weeks and I am glad I did, I was so tired and ill with anaemia. Your body is telling you to rest. I think you should listen to it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks guys

I've just burst into to tears....your advice was so right and so nice

i will see what my doc says and try and get signed off and then try and get the waiver on the 28 days

im shattered...

only thing, i get very bored and lonely stuck on my own in a wee scottish village but it is much better than being tired and ill xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: Don't worry, we're here to keep you company :D We can all be bored on maternity leave together
Awwww :hug:

It's not giving in if you can't cope! Bear in mind though that you don't HAVE to bring the date forward - you can keep it at 36 weeks and go off sick until then. I considered doing that but didn't feel I could manage it with my conscience so didn't... but it is an option if finances are the issue.

I brought my date forward by 6 weeks. DEFINITELY the right decision; I've fainted twice at work this week and am so knackered I can't cope with even basic tasks.

Do what's right for you and your baby and don't feel guilty :hug:
So when does your maternity leave start Debecca? It must be soon!
Just noticed you already said on another thread - it's tomorrow!!! Woo hoo!

We'll all be home on PF all day for months :D
Ginnymarie said:
thanks guys

I've just burst into to tears....your advice was so right and so nice

i will see what my doc says and try and get signed off and then try and get the waiver on the 28 days

im shattered...

only thing, i get very bored and lonely stuck on my own in a wee scottish village but it is much better than being tired and ill xxx

I am glad you have decided to bring it forward, you are definately doing the right thing. I hope they can sort it out quickly for you, you deserve a big rest. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You'll not get bored I promise you - there is so much to prepare for the baby and then you find squillions of other tasks that keep you occupied. And of course sleeping is a great activity, you can do lots of it and never get bored!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Dont beat ureself up about it. I dont think anyone realises how hard pregnancy is till they have been through it.i think thats why men never understand :roll: I havent worked in about 4 months and i STILL get tired all the time etc so i cant imagine what its like for all of those who work to! :hug: :hug:
You're NOT a failure and you;re NOT wuss young lady!!

Preggy time can really take its toll sometimes im just sorry you have to feel so pants, i hope u get loadsa rest :hug: :hug:
Ginnymarie said:
thanks guys

I've just burst into to tears....your advice was so right and so nice

i will see what my doc says and try and get signed off and then try and get the waiver on the 28 days

im shattered...

only thing, i get very bored and lonely stuck on my own in a wee scottish village but it is much better than being tired and ill xxx

Im due the same day as you and compared to you have had a pretty easy pregnancy (so far) and i have a fairly stress free job. Im starting ML at the end of the month and that cant come soon enough for me. You really sound like you have had enough so i would put yourself and baby first and try and leave earlier.

As for being bored as muppetmummy said there are lots of us who are off work fairly early so we can all keep eachother company. :D
aww hun :hug: :hug:

dont put yourself through work if its too much. I stopped work aaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeesss ago!! I officially dont start mat leave until 18th Feb but Ive been on hol for the last 5 weeks and was signed off for a long time before that. I think I managed to work until about 16 weeks :lol: I was just WAY too tired, couldnt do the commute whilst feeling ill and couldnt really walk with Sciatica. Honestly I did get bored at first but I always manage to amuse myself on here all day or clean my cupboards..its not so bad and I wouldnt want to be at work now let me tell you!! :lol:

Finsih work and enjoy yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww, what wee scottish village are you in. We will get a bus and come and see you. I was off my work from roughly 32 weeks (i think).
Try and get a line for a few more weeks before your mat leave starts.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hi guys

thanks so much for your advice, so appreciated. I got another week from my doctor and I might get one after that and then go back to work a few weeks to tie up things, feel guilty leaving everyone in lurch but I care bout baby and my health, I was loosing weight and fainted in tesco's last week, like a tonne of bricks at the checkout queue, took 20mins to come around fully.
Yeah be great to catch up with everyone, had no time in tri 2, so busy and fraught, it is like it is taking its toll on me now
thanks again xxx

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