**Due dates and guess when your LO will arrive list**

Ok, I have changed my order and this is what I think:-

1st - Pigletpoo
2nd - nikkif
3rd - KJ
4th - Vickyleigh
5th - Kimheath
6th - Paula
last - moi!

I'm convinced everyone due around same time as me will go before me :?
yeah Vickyleigh, you're still with me on the 27th August in the August 2007 Babies thread. So really you are still my due date twin :clap:
Oh, I only just saw this!!! Been too busy feeling sorry for myself again!!

I reckon I will be first as MW has already said I am showing signs of premature labor! :shock: At the mo I am hoping he will hold out till at least 35 weeks :pray: Oh and he is big for his age so ....

I reckon....

1st Me (Piglet)
2nd Nikkif
3rd Vickyleigh
4th Paula
5th Snuggle
6th Kimheath
7th KJ

Sorry KJ - I just think you're always so calm and collected, baby will be too comfortable to leave!!

We must keep track of this !!!

Piglet xx
:wave: :wave: :wave:
can i join in too plz, due 6th sept but my mum and nan were late having there babies, and my cousin was 12 days late :shock:
safs xxx
Think we will have to compile just one list with everyones names, due dates and date they think they will give birth, might be easier than a load of separate guesses??? :D
OK, good idea snuggle! I'll leave you to compile that one ! :wink:

I am due 13/09/07 - but I reckon I will have baby on 16/08/07 (about a month early).

When should we start drinking that rasberry leaf tea?? And is there anything else we should be doing as we get closer?? I've read about rubbing olive oil in "down there" to ry and prevent ripping when the time comes. Anything else?

panick panick panick!! :|

Piglet xx
Saffydreamer - when do you reckon your little one will make an appearance then?

Piglet xx
hey piglet :wave:
i think i will be late by a week so im guessing 13th sept, would like it earlier of course but thats what im guessing!!! xxxxxxxxxx
Hi, same stage pregnancy buddies!!

I don't mind being last. Everything feels pretty calm in there so far and I've had nothing abnormal so who knows!! If I go 2 weeks over the baby will be born on my birthday!!!

Start your raspberry leaf tea at 32 weks Piglet. One cup a day until 36 weeks and then 2 cups a day until term.

Ok, have edited first post with list, Vickyleigh and Paula+bump I need your due dates and guesses :hug:
Due 6th September .... Guess is 10th September

(But was 11 days late with my last boy so more like 16th knowing my luck!)
I'm due 16th September but knowing my luck it will be really late. Also my DH's birthday is the 28th so he's holding out for then. So I suppose I'll put my guess as the 28th September.
As a august mum my LO will be here before all of you :rotfl: :rotfl:
But il still hanging about to see when you all drop!
mrs_tommo, I can still stick you on anyway :D

Have added you Clydesdaleclopper and vicki1983 :hug:
Due date 7th sept and my guess is 29th August (thats also my grandads birthday!)

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