Due date


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well its my due date on friday, the day ive been dreading for months.
I still keep blameing myself for my baby dyeing, and when im happy i still feel guilty for feeling happy.
Im looking forward to this baby now but still want my other baby back, if that makes sense.
I was looking at angel babys pic tonight and just started crying (i have not looked at it for a couple of months).
When am i going to stop blameing myself for what happened?
Everyone thinks im happy and ok, but im not, when im alone i just cry. i know ive got this one to look forward to but i still can't stop thinking about my other baby.
Im sorry everyone i know ive got the other 4 children and some of you have had m/c after m/c and have no other children, so i feel really guilty for feeling upset. im sorry
no one needs reply just had to write it down
babe in sorry your feeling low :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
whether you have one living child or in your case for a loss of a baby still hurts.
i cant offer words of wisdom to lessen the pain, i wish i knew myself.
I also blame myself for both my babies deaths so i can relate to that. I will never know what killed my children. Did you find out what happened to your baby?
Feel free to PM me if you want a chat hun xxx
The due date for my 1st baby passed in march, coming uo to the anniversary of the loss next month though which will also be hard, then i have this baby's due dat in january, 8 days after my 21st!

Take care darling im here if you need me
awww hun im so sorry i hope the day passes peacefully for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: I know how hard it is. I had that on the 24th of May. Made it extra difficult because it was my birthday my son should have been born on. I'll be thinking about you :hug:
I know how you feel, my due date passed last week for my miscarriage in September and I felt just awful for the whole week, so dont aplogise -it doesnt matter if you have kid or 6 of them, you still lost your baby and you are allowed to hurt and grieve.

It wasnt your fault Sarah, no matter how bad you feel you must tell yourself that - dosomething postive on the due date.Dont brood and cry hun.It will just hurt all themore. :hug: :hug:
Hi Sarah,

Just wanted to say I hope tomorrow passes as peacefully as possible. I was in a similar situation in March when it was the due date of the baby I lost last July (it was an early m/c and I never saw the baby or anything but it still really hurt, and I had lots of very confusing emotions/ feelings of guilt as I was/am expecting another too. I don't think it matters whether you have other children or not - I've already got two and sometimes well meaning people did actually point that out but it didn't change the way I felt one bit.

All the best for tomorrow. :hug: :hug:
thinking of you today hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Sarah I hope you are OK today, we're all thinking of you.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

i know how you feel hun my first baby was due 20th may and all that week i kept thinking of what might have been,

Doesnt matter how many children you have already, each baby is special

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thankyou for all your messages :hug: :hug:
Im not really sure how i feel today really im upset but im also so snappy at everyone, OH got me in even a badder mood because he 'forgot' what today was.
anyway tomorrows another day, and i might be able to move on now, ive got another LO to look forward too now.
thanks again girls
It's only natural to think about the baby you lost, especially today and even though you're expecting another, you're still entitled to grieve. Don't be too hard on yourself :hug: :hug:
Take care xx
im so sorry sarah just seen this hun, been thinking of you hun and hope your ok.

you know where i am if you need a chat or anything anytime feel free to ring or text anytime xx :hug: :hug:

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