when is it right to try again?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2008
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i miscarried last week. im still devastated but im so desperate to concieve again. i want to make sure i feel better in myself and give myself time to grieve for the baby that i lost. but i just feel so empty not being pregnant anymore and im just so desperate but scared to be pregnant again.

it feels hard because i have nothing tangible to say goodbye too, i m/c on the morning of the day my scan was due. i would have given anything to see my scan pic. just a few hours too late.

for people who has m/c and fallen pregnant again, how long did it take you to feel ready again? i know everyone is different but i was just wondering what other peoples experiences were? xx
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I have never experienced what you have just went through so I don't have any advice, but I wanted to send you some hugs. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Firstly, I'm so sorry you're going through this, it isn't an easy thing at all.

When I m/c we waited till my next period but didn't conceive for 5 months. In some ways I think it was meant to be, I don't think I would have been really ready again if I had conceived straight away, I needed some time to accept the loss and if I had got pregnant straight away I don't think I would have ever acknowledged the loss and instead I would have just replaced it.

The main thing is that it is different for everyone but I think you'll know when you're ready to go again, but try not to worry or get hung up on trying, sometimes your body needs as much time to heal as your mind.

Hi im sorry for your loss. I miscarried in feb this year and as soon as the bleeding stopped i fell pregnant again and sadly have had another miscarriage. :hug:
i'd say to try again when it's best for you, when your ready
I'm so sorry that your having to go through this hon :hug: :hug:

Everyone is different as to when they want to start trying again and the others are right you will know in your own mind when you are ready. I wanted to start trying again straight away but my husband didn't so we waited for a year til we were both ready to try again.

Take care of yourself xxx
when i mc in Oct we waited for one cycle and ttc again. We caught that cycle but i lost that baby too.

that time we decided to not wait a cycle and 3 weeks after the 2nd mc we concieved with this baby.

i felt like i had to be ttc again. it's so devastating loosing a baby. i was a mess and drank a bit too much. The mc had dropped my milk supply right down so that i stopped breasfeeding oliver (not sure if bf was a factor in the mc's?) but for the fact that i didnt need watch what i drank as he was on formula just made things worse.

getting back on the ttc path straight away gave me such focus etc and knew i had to look after myself changed everything for me.

good luck hun :hug:
thankyou to all of you for replying. im so sorry for those who m/c the second time, christ i guess you must just find some inner strength from somewhere to go through that more than once.

i thought maybe i needed a break from thinking about ttc and treating my body like i was so at 10.30pm last night i went to the shop and found a bottle of wine and pack of fags with my name on it. unfortunately (or fortunatlely probably) the fags tasked nothing like i remember them being 4 months ago and had to chuck it after 2 puffs..gutted..i know theyr soo bad but i got so much relief and comfort from smoking once upon a time. and as for the wine, after a few glasses my tummy decided it didnt want anymore and my head felt as sober as a judge. so much for getting drunk out my brains! i cant even act like a non pregnant person argggghhhhh.

i know i shouldnt resent my fiance but he's got his vices to make him feel better, sat there with his beer in one hand fag in the other watching top gear happy as larry. i feel like ive got nothing. i just wana trash the house but i dont fancy tidying it up afterwards.

:shock: woah sorry didnt think that would turn into a rant. its almost hard to decide wether im angry or sad.

lol that thought has crossed my mind infact i have stopped doing housework becasue i can't face doing it atm, i'll have to soon tho cas my friends son is ova this evening, sending lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :cry: :cry:

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