Due Date!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Well my due date is here today and Im just feeling a huge big bag of emotions. When I mc in February I just presumed that by now Id have a big healthy bump and meet the day with a little thought!

Well 9 months later and here I find myself in a different place. Ive not managed to get my cycle back as I bled every w weeks for 3 months then stopped completely. Ive been referred to a fertility dr and Im now on clomid to make me ovulate. Fingers crossed that Im now at least back in the game!

The day before I got my BFP we had booked a holiday to Rome for October. I actually told my oh about my pregnancy by saying we cant go to Rome. He was like what??? To which I handed him the test. We were so happy at that moment.

Strangely we never did cancel the trip so next Sat were away. Its a bizarre feeling because I remember thinking well at least ill be pregnant when I go after the mc. I was convinced of that. Now here I am unfortunately not.

But on the other hand Im now thinking I have to think of the positives too. In two weeks we will be moving in to a new home of our dreams after 2 years of heart ache of selling and falling through 3 times. Last time 2 days before the move day. So positive no 1! Obviously Im also hoping that I have ovulated and I have my cycle back thanks to clomid.

So basically a long winded post that a I felt that I needed to write I find myself upset today but trying to see the positives. I just hope that I will not only have a new house and my sticky bean very soon. Im so ready please let it happen and be sticky!
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well you know the old saying...new house, new baby :) fingers crossed it comes true for you hon.


you will love rome, we were there in july
Thanks Samgirls! Hope your beautifully blooming!! I remember talking to you about it when you had booked! I am really looking forward to it!

Im clinging to that old saying!!! Im ready for it to come true! Xxx
I am dreading my due date too, i am going to ask Liam to take some time off work around then and just be with me. Perhaps we will book a holiday but to be honest i think i will just hide in the house all day! Get Liam to look after Jasper for me.

I think thats what i would really like to do x
Laura - always a tricky time your due date , sending you a hug X

You sound really positive and sok i'm loving your attitude - holiday you wouldn't have gone on, new dream home and getting ready to go again for baby - brilliant - good luck hun
Oh bless you hun - due dates will always be such a hard time for us...

I am glad you are focusing on the positives though - Rome is amazing (we've been a few times most recently in November last year) and you have your new home to look forward to.

Hopefully 2012 is a good year for all of us that have suffered losses.


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