DTD and soreness


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Sorry if this is embarrassing :oops: It actually seemed more normal to talk about my bits etc when I was pregnant and now I am too embarassed (and scared!) to go to the docs.

Basically when we DTD for the first time 5 weeks after it was fine, and felt better than before. But gradually it's starting to get more and more painful. I've tried using extra lubricant, but now I'm too scared to even try because it hurts so much just inside.

I don't want to go to the docs as I am worried they will use a speculum and it would cause me so much pain (I've also got some horrible stuff coming out, but I didn't know if this was normal as I haven't had a period since Ella was born).
Oh dear Rosieroo... I think you might have to go to the docs. I must admit, I haven't been for my 6 week check yet. I'm going in 3-4 weeks time - I just hate it and I'm almost as scared of opening my legs as I am of opening my mouth... for the dentist that is! :D

You may have just hurt something inside that still trying to heal and now it's taking longer. Get it checked out for your own peace of mind. Have you tried going to a "Women Only" clinic. They must be about - I use to go to one in Edinburgh. Very nice and always seemed so gentle.

Good luck and don't feel bad about not DTD.... DIY for a while! :D :D :D
Emilia xx

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