Drs appt


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Well girls i went to see GP this morning regarding my cycles etc, and as Iv only been TTc since July GP didnt seem concerned and said it can take someone who has not been on contraceptive pill 6 months - a year to conceive, so 4 months is normal/not concern.

I told her i was more concerned that cycles are getting longer not shorter tho and she said this was just my body adjusting into a proper cycle and not to worry (easier said than done tho)

I mentioned I was temp charting and she advised that those ttc should use a basal thermometer not a normal digital one as its more sensitive to our temp (so will be investing in one asap)

She asked if i was taking folic acid and i said yes so she was happy about that...i asked if i should be taking anything else and she said no need folic acid is all i need.

So bit of a strange experience as she didnt seem phased at all, but i guess thats a good thing. so i think its just a matter of waiting for witch to arrive now (still bfn this morning) so i can start a new cycle. Just hope it hurries up.

Anyway thought id share my experience incase anyone else is experiencing something similar.

lots of hugs and babydust xxxx

I had the same hun. Went to the docs in April as I hadn't had a period since coming off the pill in jan. she wasn't worried and told me to come back again 2 months later if it still hadn't shown up. Af came a week later lol. I'm only now really sure of when my af is due but I seem to have alternate 4 week and 5 week cycles. Weird!!
It's frustrating isn't it cos I would have stopped taking it ages ago had I have known it would have taken so long to get out of your system. Was hoping to be pg by now!!
The only thing is as my hormones have settled I feel a lot less stressed about it all and I'm just going with the flow. So hopefully this will happen for you too :dust: xx
yeh to be honest im not feeling too bad about it all....im gonna try and go with the flow (the other night we actually DTD without me putting bum in the air afterwards...just did it like we used to before ttc which was nice, as knew i wasnt ovulating so it took the stress out of it a bit).

I agree i would have come off sooner had i known it would take this long, tho knowing my luck i would have ended up catching straight away and not being able to go on honeymoon lol

i guess its back to the drawing board xxx
I feel the exact same way if i had know it wud take so long wud have cum off ages ago, really thought id b pg by end of the year!! I was so naive i didnt really realise what the pill was doing just hope that relaxing untill the new year now is guna have the right effect! Fx to us all.

Michelle. x
I wish my dr had told me when he put me on it that it would take ages for it to leave my system. I may have thought twice or not been on it for so long.

i naively thought id be pg by xmas too xx
I went on it about 18 years of age and to b honest doc may have explained things but i neva even thought of kids then, sooo wish i had now and came off in new year but like you i had a wedding and honeymoon booked n thought id wait till i got back to come off pill. Hey ho as you say back to the drawing board.

Michelle. x
yeh i went on at 17 and a half, came off in july wen got back from honeymoon

fx for us :) hopefuly it wont be long till we r in tri 1 xx
I went on mine at 14 and came off just before I turned 30. So my body had more false periods than real ones. Not good really. I must say 10 months of ttc I wonder why I panicked so much if I ever missed a pill. Lol.
Nevermind girls our time will come eventually, it's just a long road! Xx
Hey bellarina hope ur ok and the witch comes soo u can't get trying again :)

The docs don't seem to really care do they, I had appt yest to try book in for my 21 day bloods and he was like early days-cheeky git I thought lol!!!

And I totally agree I think when ur going for the pill and ur in ur twenties the gp shud discuss coming off pill and ttc soo women are aware of that fact that it might take a while for ur cycles to get back to normal, I thought I'd come off pill and I wud be preggers straight away, very frustrating!

Anyway hun I hope u get ur bfp soon xx
Im glad Iv never been on the pill as i have a few friends that are in the same boat as you, really bad what it does to the body!

I hope it all gets back to normal very soon Bellarina hun! :) x
Glad the doctor was able to talk to you and give some reassurance.

I wish I had been told what ttc was really like I would have cone off pill years ago and started trying a long time ago I just felt so in the dark until I did start trying!

Baby dust to everyone xx
Yeah fx we will all b in tri 1 soon. I have a good feeling about december!! Wud be due around my 30th bday!!

Michelle. x
Hey hope you don't mind me butting in but thanks for posting!!
I asked the doc yesterday and was told the same and although I'm in the same position I have only been here a month! From my previous experience of getting preg I thought it would be so easy!! I got preg whilst on the pill so I thought if I stopped taking it it would be simple this time!! I agree with what your all saying if I was told it would make things difficult I would have thought twice about taking it they tell u all the side affects like if u miss any you can get preg but not that once you come off the pill things can be difficult!!
Yeh exactly. Its so annoying coz you see girls getting pregnant so easily and dont seem bothered about having children etc when we are desperate to have children and find it more difficult xxx
grrrrrr cd 43 nealry over and still nothing!!! rant!!! is it too much to ask to have eiter a bfp or af! id be happy with either right now tbh just feel in limbo as cant do anything to help :( xxxx
I switched from the pill to the depo and then my hubby and i had a chat and decided we wanted to ttc, it has been just over 4 months and i am having 80/90 day cycles but i feel that if i go to the dr he/she will tell me that it can take a year and send me packing , i wish i had never had the depo but hindsight hey
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yeh exactly thats pretty much what my dr said. its frustrating waiting isnt it xx

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