Drinking while TTC


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hey all, whats your thoughts about drinking whilst TTC?? If lets say im in my 2ww could it damage the baby? Im putting my life on hold a bit and not doing all the social things, which usually include half a bottle of wine.....

I felt soooooo guilty having a cocktail last night. Yet im 8dpo (finally wrked it out) and havent had a BFP....

what would you do? xx:eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh::eh:
It depends.

I always go for worst case scenario because you never know when you are going to find yourself in one unfortunately...

If you had a drink, then found out your were pregnant, and then went on to have a miscarriage or sick baby - would you think "It's all my fault because i had that drink!"?

If you would, then don't drink.

If you wouldn't, then sure have a drink.

I certainly would go stupid though if you think you are still in with a chance :) It's only you that will have to live with the guilt of any consequences.
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Well, when i was pregnant with my little boy I went to my best friends party and got really drunk, it was a big one, shots of all kinds of neat spirits, smoikng til early hrs of the morn, he next week i realised I was 5 wks pregnant.
My pregnancy easy and little boy very healthy!!
With my nest it was more calculated and tried - so took folic acid 3 mths b4 trying, didnt drink, didnt smoke, ate healthy, I miscarried.
Im not saying to drink and now that I am trying Im not drinking - but I think if its a sticky bean , its a sticky bean!!!
Be healthy as pos, but dont put your life on hold as that will only add to the stress. xxx
I'm having a cheeky glass of wine tonight and tbh I have had the odd small drink in the last few weeks (I'm officially 3 wks late :looped:)
When I know pregnant I'll follow the 'rules'.
So far I've managed not to drink anything since ovulation but like you the only way I have managed to do that is by kind of avoiding a lot of social things which I know would involve a drink or 10. That's ok for a month or 2 but if ttc takes months or longer I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up. I also feel I should be enjoying a 'party' lifestyle while I still have the chance because can't do that with a baby. I think if I could really trust myself to just have one I wouldn't worry but I tend to have a lot more than that when I drink (god I sound like an alcoholic now). For the same reason I never drink when I'm driving because I know after one, one more will seem like a good idea!!
after 7 mnths of dissappointment i know just live life normally!!
for the first 3 months i didnt and then felt stupid every time AF arrived!!

you have to do whats comfortable to you x x
I just live as I would do normally. Everytime I've had a miscarriage I haven't drank, I eat well, don't smoke etc etc and the baby has still not stuck. So I just carry on as I would do. I'm not a heavy drinker anyways though, and hardly ever go out. But if I want a bottle of beer on a Saturday night, I'll have it no probs.
Hi Applecider, Just remember everyone is different and bodies react different. Me personally I avoid drinking in my 2ww but a drink in moderation probably would do any harm and like you I avoid social events which I think isn't doing me any good. I agree with LouiseB, decide whats right by asking yourself those questions. Good luck hun.

I only just realised your name on here is Apple cider as I typed it out, after all this time seing your name on here lol xx
I found that everything in moderation is best. Have a glass or two of wine but dont go on the lash!! I was sure I was out before I got my BFP and had 3 glasses of wine with a friend, found out the next morning I was pregnant!! Im just not drinking now!! Mind you didnt really fancy it!!
Thanks for all your answers, im glad theres not one definative NO or YES. I think I will refrain from binging in my 2WW and if I am ata social occasion have a glass of cider or shandy? at least then its not a spirit and have a water in between or something along those lines. Im trying to be on the wagon a bit anyways!! xx
Hi Hun,

I'm due to start Clomid in August and the nurse I spoke to last week said for me and Hubby to cut out alcohol completely for the next 3 months.

That said, I'm 7/8DPO and I had a couple of glasses of wine at Take That last night so I'm not a complete angel!:shakehead:

Hope that helps.

Hi Applecider,

I feel guilty when I have the odd glass of vino during my 2ww but i think that alcohol in moderation is fine whilst you're ttc. I think a flat our 'no' is more to do with trying to get through to binge drinkers as that's how our drinking culture has changed. My mum used to drink Guiness when she was pregnant and was encouraged to do so!

It's the same as we were taught at school, you have sex and you get pregnant! I wish!

I think it's important to enjoy your life whilst ttc and if that includes a lovely glass of vino now and again then so be it! We'll have 9 months of not drinking when we know we're pregnant so live your life normally until then, that's what I've decided to do.

Oh Maybe baby how was Take That?! I'm going next week, maybe the reason I haven't got pregnant yet is a member of Take That is meant to be the Daddy! Only joking I actually adore my husband.

I have tried having a drink and not having it and tbh I think you better relaxing and not worrying too much. It's a personal decision and you have to do what is right for you. x
i saw take that last week....amazing...i dunno how we managed it but we were right at the front!!!! :D xx
I agree to enjoy yourself in moderation. I went out drinking heavily when I was unknowingly 4 weeks pregnant with my son. I was mortified when I found out Id done so when pregnant, but the doctor said not to worry as a high percentage of babies are conceived whilst the mothers are "merry"!! My son was born at 9lb2oz, healthy as they come & has been in perfect health since. Just relax xxx
I'm off to see Take That in 3 weeks!!!! Can't wait!!! I also thought a take that member would be father to my babies... But I married my husband four days ago who people say is a Robbie lookalike - so it's like I almost did!!! Ha xxx
Hi apple cider.. i remember talking to you around six months ago about coming of the pill etc... doesn't time fly... and to be honnest i really wouldn't put your life on hold so to speak. I drank when trying to conceive, not tons but would still have my nights out with the girlies. And we totally took the relaxed approach with it, and the month we conceived we only did the deed once!!! And enjoy your cocktails and wine, once your pregnant you have gotta wave good bye to them. I truly believe that if your relaxed, chilled and stress free about trying to conceive then its gonna happen (obviously for some people there are complications, which isn't very nice) xxxxxxxxx good luck hun xxxxx
Hey don I remember speaking to u!! How's things with u?? Time has gone so quick apart from this 2ww! Day 26 four mire to go rooooollllllll on!!

Are u ttc now?? I think next month I will find out my ov days and leave it at that?? Otherwise it's just more stress!! Hope ur doin ok xx
Hi! there are so many points of view on this subject... I think a little bit here and there won't do any harm. However, we need to be aware that alcohol stops nutrients from being absorbed, and this can affect TTC for both you and DH. Also, it can disrupt the hormones. I guess the most important is the 'fetal alcohol syndrome', an irreversible condition in the baby that affects the growth of vital organs. I have decided not to drink at all, my DH is trying... it's more difficult for him, more pressure....

Also, guilt has a negative impact on fertiity because it affects our immune system - specially in women. So... relax, enjoy your social events... maybe have a glass of red wine followed by some juice... If you feel guilty, stop for a second and tell yourself it's going to be fine! Best of luck and lot's of love!!!

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