Drinking !!! I am really worried now!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I have just had a BFP 4 days before my AF. If this is right then I am worried due to the fact me and DH have been trying to relax by going out drinking and having the odd ciggy. I now it sounds totally irresponsible but we decided not to run our lives around getting pregnant! Now I think I am (faint BFP, which I have been told would be accurate) I am sooo worried my little miracle willbe affected!!!!

What are the chances of a second miscarriage???????
Hi Julia,

I too had the same worries, my baby was concieved the day after my birthday and as you can imagine I had several drinking sessions before I found out I was pregnant. I was convinced I harmed my baby, but was told I shouldn't worry by my Dr and midwife. I am now nearly 21 weeks pregnant and my baby is doing great (is a right active bean). If you are not drinking now and have stopped/or reduced smoking then you are doing the right things.

I am so pleased for you on your BFP. I don't think what you did was irresponsible, in fact I think that may have helped you concieve as I know many people who have TTC'd for a while, decided to have a break and then get pregnant because they were relaxed. I am lucky and have not had to go through the horrible experience of a miscarriage but know someone who has and from what she has said I understand that previous miscarriages do not mean that you have a higher chance of miscarrying this time. I send you big hugs and a lot of love, and please don't worry about what you have done, just enjoy your BFP. xxxxxxxxx
Thanks Beanie

You have reaussured me, which has helped alot......this forum is soooo good. I don't know what i would do without it! I am not going to tell anyone for a while - learnt my lesson from last time...

I drank a lot when TTC, I know it was irresponsible, but it was the only way I could cope at the time, getting BFN every month. Anyway, the month we conceived, it was my partners 40th birthday party and I got the most drunk I have ever been, I can hardly remember the night at all!! I did it becuase as you said I refused to run my life round TTC, I didn't want to miss out on good nights out only to be visited by AF every month. Anyway, I found out I was PG 2 days after my big sesh and I am now 16 weeks and baby is fine. It's drinking all the time that affects baby - you will be fine.

Thanks Kim

There is absolutely no way I will be drinking from now on.....I have waited a long time for this (saying that, it has only been four months but has seemed like forever!) It is our anniversary so we should be out celebrating - we are actually going to a wedding party tonight so ......I will be driving - which I don't mind AT ALL due to the circumstances!!!!!
Hi Julia

I was getting to the point where I thought I may have an alcohol problem before I found out I was PG, so naturally I was worried I wouldn't be able to give it up, but I needn't have worried, I gave up without even thinking about it. I didn't find it hard at all (smoking too). I had one martini when I reached 13 weeks to celebrate having a healthy scan, then I have had 1/2 a shandy since. Apart from that I haven't had a drink since the beginning of May, or a cigarette either.

Good luck with your pregnancy.
I'm the same, just not wanted to touch any alcohol at all. I have had 2 bottles of lager and a sip of wine, and all this was in my second tri so I feel like I'm doing well. I've missed it only accasionally, but definately not the hangovers though with morning sickness, tiredness and headaches I'm not sure I'm missing anything there now!!!!! Am going to have a big drink after this one is out though!!!!!! However will be such a lightweight then I'll probably just keel over after half a shandy. XXXX
Ha ha I had a sip of shandy the other day and I swear I felt my arms and legs go tingly lol!!
Before I found out and when i first found out i was pregnant (i was planning on havin a termination, so i thought i may as well carry on drinkin) i used to drink alot, and i mean i drank sooo much, i think i was gettin a little dependant on alcohol as well. It was not untill i was about 9 or ten weeks that i completely stopped drinkin and havent drunk since. Naturally i was very concerned tho that i hd done serious damage but i was reasured that everything was okm and the scan showed a perfectly healthy baby at 14 weeks aswell. But if i had known from the beginin i was intending on keepin my little bean i would never have drunk. I think peoples bodies react in diffrent ways, i have nown people to drink thro out thier pregnancy(somethin i would avoid), but have still had a beautifull baby. I wouldnt worry to much, but i can uderstand ur worry as i was the same. Hope everythin is ok for u, and let us know how u get on.

bec x x
I got totally smashed on pernod and black (of all things) before I knew I was pregnant with my daughter.......I thought she would at least be born purple but she was absolutely fine!!!

Don't worry!!
This is all very reassuring. Like others I didn't want to run my life around TTC so although I'd cut down (a bit) I was drinking quite a bit before I found out I was pregnant.

Especially in the last couple of weeks before as I was absolutely positive that I wasn't pregnant. I'd been told it would be very difficult for me to concieve and I did a test one week and it was negative, I also had period type pains so what was I supposed to think? The next week I did a test 'just to make sure' and the 2 lines gave me quite a shock!!!

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