no morning sicknness-really worried

becks-857 said:
thats what gave me the idea about eptopic pregnancies i read it in that big pregnancy book u get in ur maternity pack

Try not to worry hun...........the only time to be concerned is if..

The pain is VERY painful with or without bleeding and if the pain is to one side only, and again VERY painful!

It is hard not to worry I know, but I too have fits and starts with sickness and nausea, and also I get a lot of pain down below, but it is all due to stretching! xx
I think a lot is made of morning sickness and if you get it its terrible. I had it very bad and to be honest everyone was shocked. Most of my friends and acquaintances never had any and those who did either had it mild or for a relatively short time. Because most of us are pregnant on this forum and if you do get the sickness it is one of the things you are likely to discuss it makes it seem like the norm whereas actually tiredness, sore boobs, mood swings and general aches and pains are more common and widespread symptons.

We will always be worrying about something, well I do anyway and its probably agood idea not to read too much on the net. I have had to stop myself reading in the miscarriages section, I do want to offer my thoughts and sorrow to those suffering but it started to get me much too paranoid.

I know its easier said then done but we should all try and enjoy our pregnancies :D
Hi skatty,
I have had to stop reading the miscarriage section too because I was working myself up into a frenzie.
Thanks to everyone who has replied, I feel much more positive about things after reading all your posts and I am really sorry if you are suffering from MS- i really do know how you feel!!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend-enjoy the sun!!
I was getting pains again which didn't go away for long. I had been fretting about them all weekend. Today I called my local hospital and told them what I was experiencing and they said it was probably ok but to pop in for a check up.

So it was a mad rush this afternoon to get there on time. Had my first scan and everything seems to be going ok so far. Baby is 4mm which is about 6 weeks and also saw the heartbeat.

It has kind of put my mind at rest just now but know it is early days so will have to wait and see.

(still no m/s but midwive says it may start in a couple of weeks but to count myself lucky just now)
Hi sally,
Glad to hear everything went well today and that you feel more relaxed about things.
I haven't had morning sickness at all. I have the odd wave of nausea or a smell that makes me gag but that's it. My sense of taste and smell has gone haywire though. Foods I used to love I now taste horrible.

My boobs range from being really sore one day to hardly being sore at all the next day.

I'm also getting the odd cramp here and there.

I'm trying not to worry but it is difficult.

In the huge book I bought when I found out I was pregnant it says that 80% of women get morning sickness which means that there's 20%of us out there who don't. I am just trying to accept I am in the lucky minority.
Fruityloop you have nothing to worry about, you have plenty of symptons going on there. My boobs stopped hurting very early on and then I started sufffering from painful nipples in the 2nd tri.

Although helpful, I think books and the net can be our worst enemy :)
With Noah i didnt start getting morning sickness till about 11 weeks, when most people stop! Im hoping the same doesnt happen this time as we have a cannal boat holiday booked for the end of September, and I really dont want to be throwing up over the side of the boat! Buy my Sister in law didnt get morning sickness at all in her first pregnancy, but had it bad in the second one, and also got faiting/dizzy spells. Different pregnancies can be completly different, so dont worry people.

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