

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Does everyone else have horrible dreams? I had a god aweful dream that a little blonde haired girl had hold of my baby then went outside and she through it down the stairs!!!!
I'm not having bad dreams jut really vivid dreams.

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I've had a couple of bad dreams than it like jay they are usually very vivid and stay with me all day whether good or bad
I've had a fair few horrible dreams but primarily, as Jayjay said, just really vivid ones. Sometimes I'm not sure if they're real or not!!

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Yes lots every night last night I was attacked by willy wonks who was in a rocket which turned into fireballs and started chucking them at me! I also dreamt I wasn't preggers anymore and was told I made a mistake!
I had a really horrible one last week :(

I dreamt that we lost the baby after dtd and when the sonographer told us I smashed the room up really badly and then just collapsed crying on the floor.

I woke up sobbing and hubby just hugged me cos I had woken him up too :) bless him.

Mostly they are just very vivid dreams.

yep a couple of bad ones, and a couple of naughty ones!!! all very vivid though. Even dreamt about a guy at work and actually blushed when i went into work and saw him! never even thought of him in that way before. oops.......

have also kicked hubby a few times, he says my legs have got very restless during the night and i wake him up sometimes horizontal running! haha
I've had a couple, but like the others I'm having more vivid dreams, usually about babies and pregnancy, including the one with my 19lb baby! Ouch!!

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i had a horrible one the other week that i was still pregnant but i killed my 2 year old as i thought she was infected with something that causes you to become like a zombie...had such a panic attack and they are getting worse.
I've always had very vivid dreams and can generally remember them in great detail anyway, so I'm not really finding it any different tbh.

I had a dream the other night that we went for our 20 week scan but I had to leave before they finished it and they had to do the rest without me! Hubby had to tell me the sex later on when I got home although quite how they managed to finish the scan without me there is a bit of a mystery! Dreams- lol!

My dream last night was very vivid .. i'll not share the sordid details :bum:

p.s. It was ok .. it was about the hubbie! :rotfl:
I'm almost 6 weeks along and my first really vivid dreams were last night and they were TERRIBLE! First I dreamt that I spat up a roley poley, which is absolutely disgusting. Then I dreamt that my boyfriend was cheating on me, but he was dressed as my ex boyfriend and acting like him too. It was just terrible and I woke up in tears. Really hope my dreams get more pleasant haha
not really had any weird dreams until last night and it was about our guinea pig Jules who we lost a year an a bit ago because of our vet being well.....incompetant basically at not diagnosing the right problem. It took a 21 year old non-qualified friend of ours to diagnose, treat and give him an extra 6 weeks of life - anyway sorry to go off on a tangent - SIL has piggies too and in my dream one of hers had exactly the same problem and our vet fixed it no problem then the house i was in in my dream had a crystal skull on the mantelpiece which ended up in my pocket at that point I needed to pee and that was it .......very strange dream
Ok so I seem to be having very naughty dreams about Alex O'Loughlin and Charlie HUnnam, not at the same time though :)

I has one a few nights ago, I was back at home with my parents and there was a ghost trying to scare us turning on lights, doors flying open etc.. I must of half woken from it as I felt my oh moving the bottom of the duvet with his feet and I all of a sudden jumped and yelped as I guess I thought it was real. My oh said I was deeply breathing just before i woke and he's never seen me move/jump so quick lol.
Great! Now I want spaghetti bolognese! X

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I keep having vivid dreams about my horse. He was put down in 06 due to us having a fall which resulted in his arthirits getting progressively worse. And I keep dreaming that in all the time he,s gone, I,ve not been looking after him, so I always find him in a shitty stable or a bare field, and he,s emaciated, terriblely lame and ill. In EVERY dream I always tell him i,ll never leave him again. I,ve woken up soo many times in tears and felt sad all day, coz I loved that horse so much and would never have let get like that, so I can't understand why I don't have good dreams about him, I,ve had good ones about another horse I had, but never him :( I just don't get it
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