Sad dreams


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Woke up last night really upset, had dreams about oh, leaving me when I'm about to drop Nd a strange dream about being locked in somewhere like a shopping centre with no way out.. Looking back it wasn't like a nightmare dream but I was awake hours laying there trying to get back to sleep! I had to wake oh up at one point to have a kiss n cuddle lol.. Then!! When I did go to sleep I had another dream which was a nightmare and a snake, recently a bower constrictor was on the loose around my area and dreamt that it was in my bed! Urgh! Anyone else having weird dreams?
Thanks x
i didn't have many but i think its quite normal in early pregnancy!? xx
Yeah I remember seeing something about it before, but was only last night. Hopefuly I'll sleep better tonight :) x
its quite common through the whole of pregnancy! i've had a few odd dreams, that have felt so real it's like there's noway it didn't actually happen, until i realise i'm still in my bed! hope you don't have to many more, i've been lucky and haven't had any in a row so did always manage to catchup on my sleep!
I had nightmares on and off throughout my pregnancy, its horrible but it is normal! :hug:
I had very bad nightmares all through Tri 1, and knew it was common. I dont know if its all the fears that come along with Tri 1.

Mines stopped once i'd had blood results back, had 2 scans and started getting a bump.

Had loads of really strange dreams! And if Im being honest, lots of sex dreams!
I had a terrible dream last night about my baby being still born. It was awful and i feel quite emotional today.
I had a terrible dream last night about my baby being still born. It was awful and i feel quite emotional today.


I had bad dreams in Tri 1 about baby being born with things wrong with it ect. And also had dreams of OH cheating, was in a huff with him all of the next day.

Sending you big :hugs: ive had lots of bad dreams while being pregnant, some about OH, some of baby and even some of ex's and old friends and they are not nice. Hope you have plenty of happy dreams and the others stop x x


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