Dr Brown's bottles


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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I've switched to Dr Brown's bottles and Isla seems to be getting on well with them but I'm not!!

I can't seem to get a bottle ready without it leaking everywhere - whether it's a formula one or an EBM one. With formula, you can't shake it up to mix it as without the blue thing in, it's not sealed. It says to stir the formula with the blue thing but that doesn't really do it properly.

I know not to heat up the milk with the blue spindle thing but how do you prepare feeds when you're out and about...? How do you take out the blue bit to heat it up and keep it all sterile etc?

Any tips welcome as I'm feeling really stupid!!
Hey there
We use these bottles and LO has never had any windy problems with them. We give LO milk at room temp so no probs with heating it when out. Could you try LO with it roomt emp to see? We also just kinda 'swish' the formula round to mix it up and it works fine. Hope that helps a little!!
The leaking is a nightmare isn't it! I use a spoon to stir as the blue vent is rubbish! I have a tommee tippee flask which I put boiled water in after cooling for 30 mins and use that when im out, then cool the bottle rather than heating it xx
The leaking is a nightmare isn't it! I use a spoon to stir as the blue vent is rubbish! I have a tommee tippee flask which I put boiled water in after cooling for 30 mins and use that when im out, then cool the bottle rather than heating it xx

I've got a Tommee Tippee flask so reckon I will try that way too when out.

I've just ordered some caps so I can shake up the formula properly when out too!
Where did u get the caps from? X
Just Googled and got them Central Medical Supplies. They've turned up today.
What blue bit? Lol

When im making her bottles, I USED to make it up in an old tommee tipee one then switch it into the Browns, But that was a pain in the ass :p

The way i make em up now is to add warm water (a lil hotter than she needs - it doesnt seem to mix otherwise (AptamilAR)) then pour the powder in, use the venty thing to get it under the surface, and then if i put it all together with the lid on the top it seems to stay pretty sealed, but shake side to side instead of up n down if that makes sense, Oh and do it with the lid on, if you do it without the lid, you get it everywhere >.< (learn that the hard way)
What blue bit? Lol

When im making her bottles, I USED to make it up in an old tommee tipee one then switch it into the Browns, But that was a pain in the ass :p

The way i make em up now is to add warm water (a lil hotter than she needs - it doesnt seem to mix otherwise (AptamilAR)) then pour the powder in, use the venty thing to get it under the surface, and then if i put it all together with the lid on the top it seems to stay pretty sealed, but shake side to side instead of up n down if that makes sense, Oh and do it with the lid on, if you do it without the lid, you get it everywhere >.< (learn that the hard way)

The vent/tube thing is blue in my bottles.

I've been doing that - mixing it in Tommee Tippee bottles and then pouring it in but now I've got the Dr. Brown's caps I can give it a good shake and then put the vent etc on. That's ok when I'm at home but out and about is not so good.

And yes, I've learnt about having to have the vent and wheel thing before shaking - tried to shake it up with just the white collar and teat on. Big mess!
oh the fun of being covered in milk!
We have 2 new ones with the blue vent thing but on these new ones the marks for amount of millk are see through and really hard to read!! why did they change them from black, weird?!

also, do any of you dr brown users use different size teats? from reading a few threads on here am now a bit worried that we should be using more freer lowing teats or something? only started using bottles full time about 6 weeks ago (that's my excuse!) LO is 7 and a half months and still using the teats that came with bottles...

sorry for thread hijacking x
Our Dr Browns used to leak when making up a feed but seem to have stopped-no idea how or why though. As for warming up feeds-we never have. He's always had them at room temp (it's a bone of contention between me and MIL) so I don't know how you'd go about it :(

Minchin we only upped the teats to a freer flow because it was taking him hours to finish a feed as he seemed to be sucking really hard and getting very little for his efforts. If LO is ok with the first teats then I see no reason to change them x
I upped to size 3 teats, as the 1s and 2s were too slow for zac. I agree about the see-through writing, it's stupid! X
I didn't know the newer ones have see through writing! That's a bit silly!

Just thought, maybe they stop leaking the more milk is in them as Seb's used to leak with 6oz but don't with 8oz x
yes the see through writing really riles OH in the middle of the night!! lol (a bit mean of me!)

Thanks for advise. Will try on the next seize teats just to see I think

Asda teats fit my Dr Browns but depends which you have got, my vent thing is orange so :p But yeah saves some cash :p

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