Door bouncy thingies


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Im thinking of getting one for Isla as I think she would really like it..
But my friends put me off by saying "Its not good for them, bad for their hips etc etc blahdy blah"

Is this true? Or just daft ramblings?
I've never heard of that before! :? I got one for Angel. Thankfully i bought it off a car boot sale for £1 as she didn't seem overly impressed with it. We used it a few times, but not enough to justify buying a brand new one.
I like them. She would just spin round on one foot. Yet she seems perfectly fine to me!
I never wanted one as I worry about her whacking her arms on the door frame and somehow we've ended up with 2 of them being given to us. She does like it and flings herself around in it. We keep one at MIL house for when we visit and one is in the loft as don't use it at home. I much prefer the jumperoo as I haven't got to sit right hext to her making sure she doesn't injure herself on door frames and it has toys for her to play with attached to it. Connie is very bouncy though and does get a bit carried away :lol: .
I've never heard of it being bad for their hips :? i have used them for all 4 of my children, my youngest was the only one that wasnt keen on it but the others use to love it, especialy on the kitchen door frame while i was making dinner etc and they could watch what i was doing, the big bonus was i knew i would not turn round and fall over them unlike when there in a baby walker.
We got one forgetting our doors are higher than average so she just flew in mid air :lol: Never heard of it being bad for their hips but like anything I'm sure it's only bad if you left them in it for ages which of course nobody does. We have a jumperoo and it's seen way more use than the door bouncer would have.
I never got Ryan one as we're in a rented house and I worry about things that hang.. lol but I think guidelines like that are for parents who probably literally leave their kids in them all day.
I have heard that 'bouncers' with wheels, like walkers you sit in, are bad for their feet/hips and strains the way they learn to walk, but again probably only in considerable amounts.
My friend also warned me about not using bouncers for too long as according to her it can be bad to babies hips.

We have one, but I have never left LO in it for more than 20 - 30 mins max. Also I only started using it when LO was putting weight on her legs (which she did around 4 months). She was in big smiles when she first got to it and really loved it until recently, as now she gets a bit frustrated as she would prefer to take steps and not to be restricted by the bouncer.

I hung it on a bathroom door so that she was bouncing away when I took a shower.
We have one, I'm careful she's not in it too long.

Is there a knack to getting them in on your own, we need two of us!
I was given one for LO which is quite lucky really as he hated it! He ended up going round and round in circles and twisting it.

I would say that warnings for these kinda things are for people who leave their LO's in them for long periods of time.

We have a baby walker (one LO sits in) He loves sitting in it and can scoot about and go where he likes but i dont leave him in it for more than 30 minutes but i dont see any problem with him using something he enjoys as its not like hes in it for hours and id have been the same if he'd liked the bouncer for the door!

NickyB i know what you mean about needing two of you to get LO in - my LO holds his feet up under his bottom when i try to put him in the walker :roll: :lol:
Not heard that either.

Bought one for my son when he was a baby and he LOVED it :D Agree, you should only put them in for short periods at a time.

This time I've bought the Fisher Price Jumperoo for my daughter, it's fab. Same concept as a door bouncer but even better. She absolutely loves it.
I've been told that it can be bad for their hips. My SIL is a nanny & her boss is a paedeatrician and the kids aren't allowed those or baby walkers. Not sure how bad they are etc but I do know that her boss is v against them. My SIL says that she wouldn't put her baby in them.

But, thats just one opinion, as everyone else says, I'm sure short periods would be ok. :D :D
I expect the hip thing is the same as why some people don't like those BabyBjorn style carriers, as all their weight is in their pelvis.
I had one for my others and have one for Lola and never been worried about it being bad for them! Even when I leave them in all day! ........ :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Just playin!
Yeah you dont leave them in long enough to cause any problems!
I will be getting a jumperoo though soon as its the same as a door bouncer but not in the way of the door!! :lol:

Also you should position them so that baby's feet are just just touching the floor! Like one foot on tip-toes! So they bounce rather then rest their weight on their legs etc! :D
I seen someone in Mothercare the other day testing their little boy in the Jumperoo and he was just loving it :lol:

Think i'll be getting one but may try Liam in it first in case he doesn't like it as its rather expensive.

When we lived in our old house we had lovely double doors leading into the living room so we had plenty of room for Beth to jump about in hers without worrying she was going to catch herself on the doorframe and she loved hers. We got Iz one, but we just have normal size doors here and i kept worrying that she was going to knock herself so i didnt like putting her it very much :? That and the fact the we've got little glass windowy bits above every door but one in this house and i had a major paranoia about her being too heavy, the doorframe giving way and the glass coming down on her.. SO we got her a jumperoo instead :D Bit pricier but she totally loves it :cheer: She didnt seem to keen on the door bouncer anyway, just sort on hung there looking really unimpressed :lol:
OOOooo this is interesting...can anyone recommend what age we should wait till before using it? I have one and was considering using it as Teddy can hold his head up now... :think:
yeah I had a look on the mothercare website and it said 6 months, is this right??
Dylan was really strong and held his head up quite early. We waited until he was about 12 weeks before we used one. He didn't know what to do at first and kind of just rocked but now he bounces everywhere. He loves it. It's a little bit of freedom for him

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