"tummy time"


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Is it time for me to start putting Isla on her belly when shes awake to strengthen her neck muscles? (although to be fair they are pretty damn strong, if her staring at me when on lying my chest is anything to go by :lol: )

How long are you meant to put them on their bellies for? I know its a daft question but I heard of it today and hadnt thought of it before :roll:
I asked my HV the same question. She said to just pop them down for a few minutes and make sure you dont leave them (obviously). I pop Ollie on his tummy for a couple of minutes and then he usually starts winging.

Claire x
Ryan hates tummy time but i try and encourage it because he should be starting to crawl soon (hopefully!!!)
You can do tummy time right from day one, and depending on how they take to it, increase the time spent on tummy gradually. Isaac did it on and off from day one but now he spends at least 10/15 mins on his tummy every day if we can. He used to really dislike it, but now he can play with his toys on his front which is the best way to get them interested/distracted. Apart from it helping to get them crawling when they are ready, it really does strengthen their upper body muscles and arms and gets them nice and strong!

Helen :hug:
Lisamj said:
I read 30 mins a day to begin with.


Most babies can't manage 30 mins a day to begin with! Don't know where you read that but that's rather adventurous. Isaac can't do 30 mins in total all in one go, but he is building up to it. It all has to be worked up to gradually, some babies scream the minute they go on their front :lol:
purplebluered said:
Lisamj said:
I read 30 mins a day to begin with.


Most babies can't manage 30 mins a day to begin with! Don't know where you read that but that's rather adventurous. Isaac can't do 30 mins in total all in one go, but he is building up to it. It all has to be worked up to gradually, some babies scream the minute they go on their front :lol:
Oooh I agree! All my babies liked about 3 mins before getting tired/bored and crying lol! Lola-Mae doesnt like it at all! :roll: Little munchkin!
purplebluered said:
Lisamj said:
I read 30 mins a day to begin with.


Most babies can't manage 30 mins a day to begin with! Don't know where you read that but that's rather adventurous. Isaac can't do 30 mins in total all in one go, but he is building up to it. It all has to be worked up to gradually, some babies scream the minute they go on their front :lol:

Sorry should have made myself clearer - 30 mins over the course of the day, not in one go, a few mins here and there etc.

From the babyzone website:
"How Much Tummy Time and When

The current recommendation for time on the tummy is approximately 30 minutes a day, either all at once or broken up into short segments ranging from a few minutes to longer.

Engage Baby in tummy time when she's content and alert. It is important not to insist on it if she's fussy: Forcing the issue will cause Baby to negatively associate this tummy time with being unhappy. Try again later when Baby is calm and willing."



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