Grr annoyed a bit

I could neverve an abortion, it would never be an option for me, i do admit iwas on the pill when i got pg with hope but i would never do that, and now its taking me time to get pg again it makes me so angry people just dont think to take precations :wall:
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: lol tony
Body: seriously? how fast did u lose all the weight?
gah talking to you always makes me wanna keep babies!! lol.
tony dont use contraception. and plus we both hate it.
hes suggested the snip, but i dont think thats a good idea lol. may go and get the implant. i had the injection but, meh.

that was the reply i got 2day GRR i cant even be bothered 2 reply
I have a friend who's had literally four pregnancy scares due to using no contraception in SIX MONTHS, and she still hasn't learned her lesson... :x Lucky she didn't get pregnant from those, because she surely would have gotten an abortion each time!

I think it's sick.
I could neverve an abortion, it would never be an option for me, i do admit iwas on the pill when i got pg with hope but i would never do that, and now its taking me time to get pg again it makes me so angry people just dont think to take precations :wall:
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: lol tony
Body: seriously? how fast did u lose all the weight?
gah talking to you always makes me wanna keep babies!! lol.
tony dont use contraception. and plus we both hate it.
hes suggested the snip, but i dont think thats a good idea lol. may go and get the implant. i had the injection but, meh.

that was the reply i got 2day GRR i cant even be bothered 2 reply
yea i couldnt do adoption or temination im well against it and dont flame me :)
What does 'I had the injection but, meh' mean?? How can she be all jokey and 'Lol' about her situation?? I wouldn't reply either :talkhand:
i dunno its like meh preg again another abortion its soooo horrible
i dont agree with abortions either but i think in certain cases its acceptable as u couldnt expect some1 whos been raped to have a child from that
I don't think I could easily have an abortion, but I can see how say if a woman was in a relationship with a violent or rubbish partner it would be hard to keep a baby.

When I got preg it wasn't planned (we didn't think we could have children) and at the time I wasn't getting on with OH, because he kept saying he would marry me, then backing out, for years. A couple of years ago I even set a date for us at the church at one point, but had to cancel everything due to him backing out. :lol:

So I didn't have the best of opinions of him when I fell preg, and it was quite hard to come to terms with for a week or so. But then our relationship started being brill again. :cheer: Unfortunately I miscarried. But now we're mad for babies. :)

Anyway my point is I can see how it would be hard if a lady had decided to leave a relationship, only to find out before she did so, that she was preg.

I know lots of you are single mums though :)

I also had concerns about whether I would cope with a baby, as I've had severe depression in the past.

Anyway so I can see that sometimes it's difficult to go ahead with a pregnancy.

But Becsss friend is still a spanner for doing it loads of times.
Becksss said:
little*red said:
I forgot to say, my cousin had a friend like this. she was a right slapper and got accidentally pregnant 3 times and had three abortions. As this is the limit they let you have then the next time she got pregnant her baby eneded up with downs, so she didnt have the option to terminate even if she wanted to. i know its probablya very rare example, but this is the kind of karma that happens to people like your friend.
:( poor baby though, did she keep it or have it adopted or whatnot

Yeah she kept him, but her partner left her because she couldnt get the abortion and he refuses to have anything to do with the little boy because he has downs, its such a shame :( .
Becksss said:
i dunno its like meh preg again another abortion its soooo horrible
i dont agree with abortions either but i think in certain cases its acceptable as u couldnt expect some1 whos been raped to have a child from that

yea that i can understand and other reasons maybe with u or baby. but if u and baby are fine then thats where i dont agree. then u got situations also if u can afford it etc but then should of used contraception :) if im say u i dont mean u its just teh way im talking :)

why cant i reply?
nah i know that i was just talkin in general 2

lol what u mean u cant reply?

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