I don't think I could easily have an abortion, but I can see how say if a woman was in a relationship with a violent or rubbish partner it would be hard to keep a baby.
When I got preg it wasn't planned (we didn't think we could have children) and at the time I wasn't getting on with OH, because he kept saying he would marry me, then backing out, for years. A couple of years ago I even set a date for us at the church at one point, but had to cancel everything due to him backing out.
So I didn't have the best of opinions of him when I fell preg, and it was quite hard to come to terms with for a week or so. But then our relationship started being brill again.

Unfortunately I miscarried. But now we're mad for babies.
Anyway my point is I can see how it would be hard if a lady had decided to leave a relationship, only to find out before she did so, that she was preg.
I know lots of you are single mums though
I also had concerns about whether I would cope with a baby, as I've had severe depression in the past.
Anyway so I can see that sometimes it's difficult to go ahead with a pregnancy.
But Becsss friend is still a spanner for doing it loads of times.