Don't think my body works properly


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Sorry for this rant but I've gotten myself worked up into a right state and I'm really worried.

What if my body doesn't do this pregnancy thing properly?

When I was first pregnant this time last year I had a missed miscarrige. The baby had died at 8 weeks but it wasn't detected until my 12 week scan. We then left it a week to see if I would miscarry naturally but I didn't and had to have a d&c. My body didn't even notice my baby had died.

Now I'm 41+1 with a baby who isn't even engaged yet and an unfavourable cervix. My body clearly hasn't realised it's time to give birth.

Is there something fundamentally wrong with my body that it doesn't seem to know what to do?

I'm worried that I will end up being induced and it will end in a section as I just can't see my body figuring it out anytime soon. I feel so let down, miserable and grumpy.

Stupid body
Catty - :hugs:

I'm sure your body does work and no wonder your fed up! Wish I could give you some amazing advice to make you feel better!
I understand you not wanting to be induced or a section, neither do I but you will have your baby soon!

I think this last week I've let the waiting put a dampner on my excitement and feel a bit of an anti climax now its my due date and nothing is happening. But she has to come out sooner or later!

Thinking of you


its only down to the baby when he or she decends into the pelvis hun and also its the baby that triggers your body to go into labour and to get this far into pregnancy i think your body is working very well, some babies come early some babies just like ot cook a bit longer :)
I think your body is obviously working too well, baby is very comfortable in there!

Whatever happens within a few days you will be holding your little baby and none of this will matter anymore xx
Big hugs - as the other have said your body has cooked your little one to full term which is fab! Sendingbyou lots of labour vibes xx
Try not to worry too much hun! You're body knows what its doing. My friend went to almost 43 weeks before being induced and she thought that her body didn't know how to go into labour. She had 2 more babies, both c-sections because they were big but she defo went into labour beforehand with both! :) x
Aww hun, your body is perfect and it definitely knows what to do. I know it's frustrating at the moment but totally believe in your body and what it's about to do.xx
You must be frustrated to be waiting this long. I think your body must be very accommodating as baby wants to stay in there. Sending labour dust to you! xx
ahw - you'll be fine hun... please don't worry about being induced... i don't think my body knew what to do either and believe me i wasn't the only one - when i went in there was 6 of us all induced that morning and it really wasn't too bad... a few of the recent labour watches on here have been inductions and honestly they don't always end up with a c-section.

I was induced with the pessaries, then waters broken, then the drip and even with the drip they had to keep increasing the dose as my body STILL didn't want to do anything! If they lowered the drip the contractions would slow right down... so they kept it full whack and i managed to push baby out naturally but without feeling a thing cos the epidural worked so well... So i loved my induction as it really got things moving and i felt that the "control" they had over the contractions/drip etc made it a very safe and positive way to get baby out as naturally as possible..

try not to worry and whatever happens you will have your baby in your arms so so soon and all this waiting and worrying will be forgotten!!! x x x
:hugs: Aww catty

Your body has done the most amazing thing it will ever do and has provided a safe and secure home for your little one. Your body will know exactly what to do when your little one is ready to leave.

I've had also had a missed misscarriage resulting in a d+c at 16weeks and then two further natural misscarriages. Unfortunatly there is no rhyme or reason to why things like this happen. But look at where we are now I'm just 3days away from my due date which I never thought would happen.

Your baby is obviously very happy where they are but will be with you soon. I'm not overdue yet so I take my hat off to you as I'm already trying everything to get this baby on the move.

Your little one will be with you soon enough enjoying all those cuddles. Stay postitive and keep smiling. I hope it all happens soon for you!

Big hugs and lots of labour dust xxx :dust:
Thanks everyone x

I wish I could say I feel better now but I think I'm just in for a grumpy day. I'm still in my pyjamas and have no intention of getting dressed.

Thanks everyone x

I wish I could say I feel better now but I think I'm just in for a grumpy day. I'm still in my pyjamas and have no intention of getting dressed.


Hey come on sweetheart, we've got to keep trekking! Is there anything that you would like to do for one last time before baby gets here? Bath, read, pedicure, manicure or a massage? Honestly it's really worth trying to do these things one last time. I keep getting in the bath with a book because I know my days are numbered lol.

This morning I made myself go to the supermarket just for a walk. I'm now enjoying a cuppa whilst on here.

Your babies days are numbered and whatever happens in the mean time they will be definitely here this time next week. (just remind me I said all this tomorrow when I'm on ere crying because he's not moved lol)
I could have written this post myself when expecting Seb! I felt the exact same as you! I also had a mmc and felt disgusted that my body had failed me so epically and when I was expecting Seb I had a major panic (despite already having a child) that my body wouldn't know. I tried clary sage oil and EPO and, coincidence maybe, the clary sage worked. I should have just trusted in my body, I may not have remembered what to do, but it sure did! And being induced or having a section isn't a failure honey, just a different way of doing things x x :hug:
I wish I could say I feel better now but I think I'm just in for a grumpy day. I'm still in my pyjamas and have no intention of getting dressed.


I'm having one of these days too, I have glow in the dark PJ bottoms and my lil brother's old hemp tee shirt, on.

My body didn't realise I'd lost my daughter's first sibling-to-be. That ended in a d&C at 3 months. I am still sad about it. But my daughter came naturally. And a week before my due date. But while I rang the hospital because my plug came out, I cleared out and could feel the Braxtons reasonably regularly, they reckoned I wasn't in labour. So one of my concerns is, what if I AM in labour but don't realise it!

Are you really dead set against trying the pessary?
OT but where do you get glow in the dark pj bottoms?!
I'm not dead set against the pessary? Not sure where that came from. Maybe I wasn't very clear.

I just really wanted to go naturally but if it has to be an induction then so be it. I can just imaging it not working though and no matter how many drugs they give me just not going into labour. I think the longer it gets passed your due date the less you think it will ever happen if that makes sense.

I feel a bit better now, have just had a long bath and now I'm going to pick up some ingredients to make homemade pizzas and caramelised balsamic onion foccacia. Also my lovely OH phoned at lunchtime and made me laugh so I'm feeling a bit more upbeat.

It's just occured to me that as i'm being induced next Thursday every day is the last one without baby so tonight I will have my last Friday night in the pub and tomorrow will be my last Saturday etc.. That's quite exciting to think about.

Aaww Catty! I think Cherelle hit the nail on the4 head, ur body is obvviously doing such a good job that bubba doesnt want to leave but im not suprised ur fed up x

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