Dont really no who I am.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I dont no If im this normal girl, no lip piercings, no crazy hair etc.
Atm Iv got brown hair in a bob, no piercings except for my nose and ones that you cant see.
I dont no if its me.
One minute Ill think it is the next ill want my crazy pink hair back.
Did anyone else feel like this at 16?
Maybe I didnt explain it well.
I just dont no who I am, I dont no if im this sensible girl without all her opiercings and crazy times, or this girl who lies to be a bit diferant and have fun (how i used to be. Does that make sence?
well your having a baby now so i suggest you strick to thye not crazy life style
No I no.
I just mean when the babys here.
I cans till go out and have fun once in a while. I just dont no if thats who i am anymore and its all just making me think about who i just to be with my mates and stuff. I dont no, im just rambling :lol: . =/
do you mean, that your life will change when the baby comes?

you can have pink hair and piercings and not be crazy you know..
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I think I know what you mean.

It's understandable that at this age with this amount of responsibility you're going to have an identity crisis but you'll work it out soon enough hun xxxxx
I know what you mean, in my late teens I was always changing my hairstyle and clothes etc. trying different things till I found something that I liked. It's a natural part of growing up and finding out who you are, don't worry about it - enjoy it! :D
Yeah :)
I no I can have pink hair, but I dont no if tahst who I am anymore.
Part of me thinks Im this 'chavy' girl who likes her hoop earing, brown hair and Mckenzie hoodie. And theres the other part who still loves her Pink hair, snakebites and Skinny jeans. :lol: I just dont no witch one I should be. Sorry Im a bit rubbish at explaining things.
You don't have to choose lol - try one for a bit, if you get bored change and if you get bored of that, change again :D
But I feel a bit like, Im having a baby, I should settle down and figure out who I am.
I just cant seem to decide witch one lol
dressing differently doesn't change who you are at the end of the day :wink:
Do both!!

Some days im in a full tracksuit and nike air max's, the next day im in tight jeans heels and a shirt... the following im just wearing Jeans and a jumper...!!
Yeah very true hun :)
Maybe I could keep my brown hair and put some pink streaks in :lol:
I understand what your saying Jazz and yes it is hard to explain, Im feeling like this at 23. If you wanna chat just PM me

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You don't have to be either!

You're very young and whoever you are now is not necessarily who you will be in 5 or 10 years time - but I happen to think that this is a natural process, not something you choose to do on a whim. I'm VERY different now to how I was when I was 16 that's for sure!

Wear what you like - who says you can't have pink hair AND wear your hoodie? You could wear a pinstripe suit all day and still be a crazy party girl! What you wear isn't who you are.

God I sound a hundred years old - can't believe it's TEN YEARS since I was 16!!!!!
one day im a chav, the next a chav, the day after that a help am I?! :wink: :rotfl: :rotfl:

ur only young, u dont have to decide what u 'wanna be' now - bags of time
Id just feel a bit silly with my pink hair, snakbites then walking round in a Mckenzie trackie and addidas trainers :lol:
To be honest I don't think you ever get to a point where you know who you are and then don't change, it's one of those things that changes over time and depends on life experiences. I know who I am fundamentally but things like age and parenthood and marriage have changed aspects of me without changing the core if you know what I mean. It can be unsettling while you're "changing" but I think eventually you can end up being more confident.

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