Getting my hair done

Ewww that's minging violet!! :puke:

It will look really nice Dionne, can't wait to see pics.

I booked myself into a hairdressers for next week as my hair is a disgrace at the moment, can't do anything with it so it's back in a bun every day. Think it's going to be really expensive though :(
I seen a recent pic of Bianca in the Daily Star yesterday-she has gone right dark-like yours Dionne!

Good luck I am sure it will be nice. :lol:
I think it will look lovely but I have to say I love your hair black! perhaps I'm biased being very dark haired myself :lol:
I have a side sweeping fringe dionne as im too scared to get a full one and with a side sweeping one you can clip it back or through the middle if you dont like it but with a proper fringe thats much harder and you have to let it grow the moment i have my hair up and have just clipped the fringe through the middle and pushed it up abit at the front if you know what i mean?

When my hair was black i had it stripped and done brown and it worked fine...dont forget to post pics!! ! :D
IM BACK. its no way near as light as i wanted it though, its still dark with redy blonde streaks in, not to kean but it will do for now can go lighter next time

but OMG u will piss ya pants if i show u my "side sweeping fringe" its awfull, she got carried away, its a big fat thing thats shorter then my eye brows :evil:
I was just about to ask if you were back!

Awwww you have to show us a picture!! :D
I'm sure it will be nice Dionne. I always think my hair looks mince when I leave the hairdressers! Get piccie on here for us - we'll be the judge of it!!

I'm sure you look lovely!!
Emilia xx
ooo can we see a piccy???

if your really not happy complain :lol:
My fringe always looks terrible when i leave the hair dressers but when you wash you're hair and style it yourself it will look better :)
i took some pics but i hate it so much im not posting :shakehead:

she has put loads of wax in it, it looks greasy and horrid, so im going to wash it tomorrow night style it my way and soften it up a bit then take a pic.

my roots are bright orange though :evil:

she should have known not to put wipe out on my roots where its my natural hair, and i cant complain she is my good mates sister :roll:

im not joking though my fringe is closer to my hair line then it is my eye brows. about 2cm long :|
Get on a sunbed, it will lighten your roots! Don't feel bad about posting a pic, I'm sure you feel worse as its such a transition from what you had. :hug:
dionne said:
i took some pics but i hate it so much im not posting :shakehead:

she has put loads of wax in it, it looks greasy and horrid, so im going to wash it tomorrow night style it my way and soften it up a bit then take a pic.

my roots are bright orange though :evil:

she should have known not to put wipe out on my roots where its my natural hair, and i cant complain she is my good mates sister :roll:

im not joking though my fringe is closer to my hair line then it is my eye brows. about 2cm long :|

Aww hun :( ...try ringing a different salon and telling them whats happen. Some hairdressers are really nice and offer you a tidy up for free :cheer:
Oh hun I bet it looks fab!!!!!!!!!

We are all friends here...go on show us a piccie!

I think your hair would look really nice in a long, piecey bob dunno why but I can imagine you with hair like that :)
Im sure it will look fine when you style it yourself..i was nearly in tears last time i walked out the hairdressers, she was acting like i was about to go out on the catwalk with the mad hairstyles they have, she was spraying with hairspray as she was using the hairdryer, it was all static where she chopped it too much and it was so light at the top and i couldnt see cause the fringe was all over the place...i was too nice to say anything though, i was like thanks!! :evil: bitch Then i went home and washed it myself and it looked much better :D then i was happy again


cas xx
I demand to see pics :shakehead: lol

I bet it looks stunning hun and your worrying over nothing. :D
i cant do it :shakehead:

my roots are orange im gutted im going to put a dye on my roots then il show :lol:
dionne said:
i cant do it :shakehead:

my roots are orange im gutted im going to put a dye on my roots then il show :lol:

aww hun :( ...what did the silly cow do them orange for.
Least you know not to go to her for a colour now :?

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